Chapter 30

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March 2018 - Bucky's POV

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March 2018 - Bucky's POV

My eyes fluttered open, seeing the sun shining through the window. I sat up quickly, remembering what happened yesterday. Relief washed over me when I looked down to see Riley peacefully sleeping. I furrowed my brows when I realized that I had slept through the entire night without having a nightmare.

"I guess all I needed was you sweet girl." I whispered, laying back down, wrapping my arm around Riley's waist.

She cuddled into me, pressing a kiss to my chest. "Are you talking to yourself?"

"I guess so."

Riley opened her eyes, smiling. "You're weird."

I laughed, kissing her forehead. "Yes I am. How did you sleep?"

"Really great. Best sleep I've had in a while. What about you?"

"I slept great too." I pressed my lips to hers in a gentle kiss. "Are you hungry?"

Riley nodded, tracing her fingers along my collarbone then down my chest. She looked at me innocently through her lashes, biting her lip. I grabbed the back of her neck to pull her back to my lips when I heard her stomach growl.

I laughed loudly when I saw how big her eyes got. She giggled, covering her face with her hands. I wrapped my arms around her, picking her up bridal style. "Let's go get breakfast."

I put her down on her feet, grabbing clothes for the both of us. Riley put on my shirt and the smallest pair of sweatpants I owned but they still swallowed her.

"Buck you're so big!" She giggled, looking down at the clothes.

I chuckled. "We'll talk to Nat and Wanda about clothes after breakfast."

Riley nodded, looking down at her fingers while she played with them nervously.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I put on my own clothes.

"What if they don't like me?"

I grabbed the back of her thighs, lifting her up, wrapping her legs around my waist. Her arms went around my neck, one hand playing with the hair at the nape of my neck. "They're going to love you, I promise."

I shifted her so she was sitting on my hip. I walked us to the kitchen and sat her down on the counter. I was surprised nobody else was up yet. I grabbed a bowl and the pancake mix, turning around to see Riley staring at me.


She shook her head, smiling. "Nothing."

I stood in between her legs, wrapping my arm around her waist, pulling her closer to me. "Tell me."

"I can't believe that I'm here with you right now."

I grinned, cupping her face with my hands, squishing her cheeks. "Me too baby. I missed you."

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