Chapter 4

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April 1936 - Bucky's POV

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April 1936 - Bucky's POV

After tossing and turning for hours, I glanced at the clock seeing how early it was. I never wake up at 8 am on the weekend. I sighed, running my hands over my face. Riley had been on my mind all night. That girl means everything to me and I'm completely in love with her. Just the thought of Riley made my heart feel full. She has a mouth on her but I wouldn't want her any other way. I chuckled to myself thinking about the day I met her. She threw a mean punch, that little shit. I'm beyond grateful that she came into my life. She's so beautiful. Her long brown hair, gorgeous green eyes, and those perfect plump lips. It's hard to not think about her down on her knees, looking at me through those long lashes while she wraps that pretty mouth around my cock. She's been such a fucking tease the last few weeks. I could feel myself getting hard. I threw the blanket off my body, climbing out of bed to take a shower.

I walked downstairs to see Steve in the kitchen.

"Who let the riff raff in here?" I grabbed two bowls and a box of cereal.

Steve chuckled. "Your mother let me in before she left."

"Is Riley still wanting to have a picnic today?" I sat down beside Steve, sliding him a bowl.

"I don't think so. I stopped by her house on the way here, she has to spend the day with her mother."

"Oh. Is everything okay?"

"Apparently Ms. Sophia has been dating someone. Riley is meeting him today."

I was shocked and couldn't believe Sophia was dating someone. It's only been a few years since Riley's dad passed away.

"Are you serious?"

Steve nodded, taking a bite of his cereal. "Riley was in a good mood when I left. I think she'll be okay with this."

"I hope so."

"Want to go to the lake today? We can go fishing." Steve said, grabbing my empty bowl, placing them in the sink.

"Yeah I'm up for it."

We arrived at the lake, seeing a few people from school. I felt someone place their hand on my arm, I lifted my head and saw Dot. Or as Riley would say, the red headed bimbo. I looked at Steve with worried eyes. He laughed, turning his back to us not wanting any part of this conversation.


"Hey Dot." I said with an annoyed tone.

"Hi Bucky. I haven't seen you in a while."

"Yeah, I've been busy." I worked on the fishing line, trying to ignore her.

"I see Riley isn't with you two today. That's a first."

I rolled my eyes. "Is there something you need?"

"Yeah, I need you." She leaned into me with a flirty smile on her face.

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