Chapter 58

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April 2019

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April 2019

My vision was nothing but darkness.

I heard voices though.

They were fading in and out just like my consciousness.

I could hear a different emotion with each one: fear, hope, concern, and determination.

I focused as hard as I could and instantly recognized them.





Bucky's voice stood out the most to me. He sounded so scared and worried. He kept shouting at everyone about how long it's been. What was he talking about? I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't, they felt so heavy. The last thing I remember was being at a restaurant with Peter then it hit me.

The accident.

I was thrown across the room into a wall. Peter must have found me and rushed me back here. How long have I been out? Is that why Bucky sounds so worried? I needed to wake up so I tried opening my eyes again and I barely did it before I quickly shut them, wanting to block out the bright light. My head was pounding, it felt like someone was hitting it with a hammer. I groaned and my eyes slowly opened all the way. I looked down at my arm and I was hooked up to three IVs. I turned my gaze to the four guys who were talking very loudly at the foot of the bed.

"Can you guys shut up? My head hurts." My voice was quiet and hoarse.

They stopped talking and stared at me for a moment before rushing over to me. Bucky gently held my face in his hands.

"Fuck I was so scared I had lost you."

I swallowed the lump in my throat at his appearance. It looked like he hadn't slept in days. I glanced at Steve and Tony and they looked the same.

"Where's Peter? Is he okay?"

Bucky pecked my lips softly and nodded. "He's fine sweet girl."

I sighed with relief and leaned my head back against the pillow. Bruce started checking the monitor and my IVs.

Steve held my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine, which is weird considering the situation. I must be on some good drugs.
I looked at the monitor then at Bruce. "My vitals are stable so what's the damage doc?"

The guys all shared a look and Bruce cleared his throat before speaking. "You had some cuts, bruising, and a broken arm and ribs but everything is healed now."

My eyes widened. "I'm sorry. I must still be slightly out of it because it sounded like you just said I'm healed?"

Tony padded my knee. "We'll explain everything shortcake. FRIDAY will please ask Wanda to come to the medical wing?"

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