Chapter 8

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May 1936

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May 1936

"I can't believe you're graduating high school in a few weeks. Seems like yesterday you were learning to walk."

"I know. I'm so excited for NYU though." I said, as my Mom and I sat down at the diner for lunch.

"I'm still surprised you turned down Yale and MIT."

I smiled, avoiding her gaze.

"Riley Marie. You chose NYU for Bucky, didn't you?

"It wasn't just him. I also didn't want to leave Steve. They're my best friends."

My Mom smiled. "I know they are. What do they plan on doing?"

"Steve got accepted to Auburndale Art School. Bucky did too. He didn't even bother applying anywhere else. He has no idea how smart he really is."

"Maybe attending college isn't what he wants to do."

I shrugged. "He hasn't mentioned anything. I just want him to be happy so he can do whatever he wants as long as that happens."

"You make him happy."

"He makes me happy too." I said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Did you know Iris was working today?" My mother asked, pointing to the waitress walking over to us.

"Of course I did. That's why I suggested we eat here."

She laughed, shaking her head.

"Hey guys. Do you want your usual today?" Iris asked, sliding into the booth next to me.

"Yes please."

"Extra whipped cream on the milkshake Ms. Sophia?"

"You know me too well Iris." My mother smiled.

"You got it." Iris stood, making her way to the kitchen.

"So have you thought anymore about what you'll study?" My mother asked.

"I thought about trying a double major. Mechanical Engineering and Nursing."

She smirked. "I had a feeling you'd do something like that. You're just like your father."

"I'm like you too Mom. You help people everyday when you walk into that hospital. I want to do the same one day."

"You will sweetheart. I think you're going to do great things with your life."

I sighed. "I wish Dad was here."

My Mom reached over the table, grabbing my hand. "He is honey. He'll always be with you."


"Riley, can you please come to the living room?"

I walked downstairs, seeing my mom and Daniel sitting on the couch. "Whatever happened, it wasn't me. It was Steve."

My mom laughed, shaking her head. "You and I both know I would never believe that."

"Well you should. He's the one who always comes up with the bad ideas."

Daniel chuckled. "We wanted to talk to you about something important."

I slowly nodded. My mom grabbed my hand, squeezing lightly. "Daniel wants to propose."

My mouth fell open. I looked between my mom and Daniel, both of them smiling. "I'm confused. You said he wants to?"

"Yes I want to but I won't do it unless I have your approval Riley." Daniel said.

"Why would you need my approval?"

"Because you and your mother are very close. I know you two have been through alot and I want to be sure you're okay with this. I want you both to be happy."

I felt tears in my eyes.

"Sweetheart, you can be honest with us. We won't get upset."

I shook my head, wiping away a few tears that fell.

"This is about your father, isn't it?" I could hear sadness in her voice.

"I'm scared that he would be upset with me. That he would think that I'm trying to replace him."

My Mom pulled me into a tight hug. "I don't think your Dad could ever be upset with you."

I leaned back, looking over at Daniel. "I know how much you care about her. You have my approval."

Daniel grinned, wrapping his arms around me and my Mom.

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