Chapter 38

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June 2018

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June 2018

I had one mission and one mission only, get Steve to make a move before Nat did. I wasn't part of the bet but I was not going to let Bucky win. Steve was sexy and could honestly get anyone he wanted but he always got shy and nervous. So all I needed to do was give him a little push.

I opened the door to Steve's room and saw he was still asleep. I shut the door quietly then ran and jumped on the bed. "WAKE UP!"

He flinched and grabbed me, pinning me to the bed underneath him. "Jesus Riley. You scared me."

I giggled, pushing him off of me. "We need to talk."

He groaned, rubbing his hands over his face. "This couldn't have waited until I actually woke up?"


Steve sighed, turning his body to face me. He waved his hand telling me to proceed.

"Let's talk about Nat."

"You woke me up so we could have girl talk?" He grabbed the pillow that was under his head and slapped me in the face with it. "Get out of my room."

"Steve, this is serious."


"We'll get to that but first I want to know how you feel about Nat."

He grabbed the pillow from my hands, placing it under his head again. He sighed, throwing his arms over his face.

"I've been trying to figure out what I want. I know I'm attracted to women and men but Natasha is amazing. She was so mysterious when I first met her but after getting to know her, she's goofy and so fun to be around."

I knew this was difficult for him, he's never been in a relationship. When we were younger, he had crushes but never pursued them. I remember when Steve came over to my house and confided in me about also being attracted to men. I always had a feeling but never said anything because I wanted him to announce it when he was ready. Steve was nervous to tell Bucky, afraid that he wouldn't want to be friends anymore. But Bucky being the amazing guy he is, just smiled and hugged Steve and said he loved him no matter what. Steve's first kiss was with a girl when we were 15. The first time he kissed a guy was while I was attending NYU. I convinced him and Bucky to go to a party with me and later that night I found him in a closet sucking face with someone. The guy was really cute too.

"Can I ask you something?"

Steve moved his arms from his face, crossing them over his chest. He turned to me, nodding his head.

"Are you still a virgin?"

His cheeks turned pink. "I'm not answering that!"

"Steven Grant."

He grabbed the covers and threw them over his head. "Yes I am. I haven't done anything besides kiss someone."

I grabbed the covers and pulled them down. I got on my knees, sitting back on my heels. "You're going to make a move on Natasha."

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