Chapter 11

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April 1938 - Bucky's POV

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April 1938 - Bucky's POV

Two years have passed and everything has been perfect. Riley was two years into NYU, kicking ass at her double major. Not only was she gifted with her looks but she was undeniably intelligent. I love hearing her talk about school. She gets so happy and enthusiastic when she talks about something she loves. While Steve was thriving at Auburndale, due to his insane talent, I decided to drop out. I picked up jobs here and there while trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I was worried Riley would be disappointed in me but that girl always had my back. Riley's mother and Daniel were still living at the beach. She hadn't seen them since Christmas so I decided to surprise her with a weekend trip to South Carolina. Little did she know, I had my own agenda for this impromptu trip.

"I love the beach. It's so peaceful and calm here."

I smiled, looking at Riley. Her hair was blowing in the wind, a small smile on her face while she played with the sand. "Do you want to move here sweetheart?"

She slowly turned her head to look at me. "You would really leave the city?"

"I would if this is what you wanted. I would do anything for you."

Riley grinned, rubbing sand off her hands on the blanket before grabbing my chin to pull me into a kiss. "How did I get so lucky? You're so damn sweet B."

"I ask myself the same question about you every day sweet girl."

The grin stayed on her face while she looked out at the ocean. "Maybe one day we'll move here. Turn our kids into little fish."

I laughed. "You're weird."

Riley shrugged casually. "Can you not see us sitting here while our kids run around, playing in the sand?" She giggled. "Me and the kids chasing you into the ocean. You holding me a tight hug while we watch the kids swim and be happy."

My mind instantly pictured everything she had just described. I didn't even realize that I had a huge smile on my face. I turned my head to look at her but she was already looking at me with a beautiful smile. For a second I forgot how to breathe. I can't get over how beautiful she is. Everything about this girl was perfect. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her.

"I want that for us sweetheart."

Riley grabbed the back of my neck, pulling me into a sweet kiss. I wrapped my arms around her waist, flipping us over on the blanket. I broke the kiss but kept my eyes locked on her face, wanting to memorize everything about it.

"Stop looking at me like that."

I chuckled, seeing her cheeks turning pink. "I can't help it. You're so beautiful."

"You are too."

Now my cheeks were turning pink. "How many kids are you planning on giving me anyway?"

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