Chapter 6

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Ashley's POV

"Ma'am, please wake up we've already arrived in London." A women's voice says. As I open my eyes, I see the stewardess who served me drinks and meals on this flight. I probably fell asleep right after listening to some songs. I can still hear my playlist in my Air pods.

"Oh, ok sorry and thank you," I say sleepily and immediately stand up. When I look at the time on my phone it's 3 am. I forgot to call Meredith in Zurich but I doubt she will have forgotten to pick me up. I'm going to connect with the airport internet so I can text her. As soon as I connect, my phone starts to ring. She is calling me right now.

"Hi Mer, where are you?" I ask while I'm on my way outside the airport.

"I'm waiting outside for you." She says and then I see her.

I immediately put my phone away and run into her arms. I've missed her so much. It's been 10 years without her in Zurich.

"Omg, hi Ash!! I've missed you soo much!" I can hear her voice cracking. She hugs me more tightly and I can't say anything. I just start to cry and hug her. Meredith moves me a little so she can look me in the eyes.

"Ash, please don't cry, it's going to be fun, ok?" She promises, but tears roll down her cheeks.

I hug her again and after a moment we sob and she shows me her car. She has a pink car of course. Meredith was always the barbie even back in our school days. She has light blond hair and blue eyes like Barbie's have, so she herself always felt like a Barbie too. She noticed the obvious look I give her Barbie car.

"Come on Barbie, let's go party!" She sings and smiles at me. In school days we had this joke between us that we always sang this Barbie song together. One of us would start to sing this verse and the other person continued.

"Ah, ah, ah yeah!" I sing but a little demotivated. She frowns at me now for messing up our joke we haven't done for so long. We get in the car wordlessly and drive to her house.

"Did you sneak out without getting caught?" Meredith chuckles.

"Would I be here if I got caught?" I sarcastically ask.

"Haha right. Your mom would get a heart attack and your dad would say every bad word he knows to you." She giggles but apologizes immediately, because she thinks it was too mean.

"No, it's ok. You're right, that would happen...or even worse." I start to giggle too. I don't want her to feel bad for me. As soon as she feels bad, she blames herself for this. And it isn't true. It's my fault that I ended up here. It's not even something to blame anybody for. I decided to come here, so if my family wants to blame somebody then they have to blame me.

We arrive at her house and she shows me the guest room where I can sleep. It's very big and nice. Also, the bed is so big, 3 people would have room to sleep in it. Meredith seems to be very tired, so I don't ask for too much and let her go to sleep. I put on my pajamas, I lie on this big bed and fall asleep immediately.

While I'm sleeping, I feel something touching my stomach. When I open my eyes, I see a stranger sleeping beside me. His hand is on my stomach and my leg was on his leg. When I realize what's happening I immediately scream and push his hands away from me. He wakes up and sees me as if he saw a ghost.

"Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my house?" He yells with wide eyes at me. 

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