Chapter 57

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Hudson's POV

"She likes me?" Kerem almost yells, shaken.

"I should've not have told you that actually. But I was not that surprised, because you were her high school crush. I mean it's not as if she would've ever have hung out with other guys than you." I chuckle and his eyes are even more widespread than before.

"She's liked me since high school? Oh my God, I'm so stupid!" He curses himself.

"Oh shit, I should've not told you that either. I'm so clumsy!" I should better just shut my mouth. But who cares, I've already embarrassed Meredith enough. She's going to kill me.

"Why are you even angry at yourself? You just found out the girl you like has already liked you since you've known each other. That would be good news for me." I motivate him. I really don't get him.

"No, I'm frustrated by myself, because in high school I told Meredith I'd fallen for Ashley. She must have been hurt then." He says and I shake my head to check, whether I heard right.

"You really had a crush on Ashley AND hurt my sister by telling her?!" I yell and he hushes me to remind me that it's the middle of the night and everyone is sleeping already. Ashley told me his crush for her was just a rumor.

"Yes I know I'm an ass for telling Meredith and don't worry: since Ashley left her family to come to you I lost my feelings for her." Kerem explains and reassures me.

"If I was in your shoes, I would tell her that I like her. As Ashley says: truth is the best way out!" I say to calm him, but I actually don't believe her quote. Truth sometimes makes things worse than they are. It depends on when you use it: timing is everything. But Kerem and Ashley are probably the same people so it's no big deal.

"I know you're right, I should tell her. But when?" He says desperately.

"Tomorrow. Just as soon as possible. And do it alone, not when I'm there, please." I say.

"Because it's awkward in front of her brother?" He guesses.

"No, because she'll kill me when she finds out that I told you, of course!" I say, exasperated. He chuckles and I join him.

"Ok, I think I know how I'll do it." He says, sounding more sure of himself and I don't question it.

Ashley's POV

"He really did it. Hudson didn't say a word to you!" Meredith says excitedly.

"I know. I can't believe it either." I say blushing.

"He's probably vomiting right now!" She laughs and I join in. I feel guilty for putting salt in instead of sugar in his tea but it's our tradition. I actually didn't want to but Meredith begged me to. She saw it in many Turkish TV series and wanted to try it out by herself.

"Kerem recognized it." I say provoking her.

"K.," She says, pissed.

"What's wrong?" I ask worriedly.

"It's just... He hangs out with me and shows signs that he likes me but he does nothing." She says sadly.

"Oh... Honey, I think he just is unsure about you. I mean, he doesn't want to make any mistakes and if he has feelings for you he probably just doesn't tell you because he wants to be sure you do. If you aren't sure he would confess and make your situation worse." I comfort her.

"Yes, I know but I've shown him obvious signs. He should know now that I like him." She says desperately and hugs me tightly, so I fall back on my bed with her, cuddling.

We stay like this till we fall asleep. The next day we're full of sweat from cuddling and still have our clothes from yesterday on. We wake up and crack up. Then we both take a shower and dress up. It's 1 pm by the time we finish. Hudson called me earlier that he and Kerem want to meet with us. Meredith first hesitates but then she probably feels sorry about me and says yes. And I jump in happiness. The time flies and we already met them.

"Askim!" Hudson says with a bad Turkish accent. That means like 'darling' in English. I didn't know he knows this word. But when I see Kerem chuckling I realize what's going on.

"Askim?" I ask trying to hide my giggle, but I fail.

"Did you fool me, you dick?!" He turns to Kerem, but he immediately holds his hands up in innocence.

"No, I'm just laughing about your bad accent, that's all." I chuckle and everyone joins me.

"I'm trying my best." He says, acting like a baby and then I hug him to apologize.

"Guys, can we have a moment alone? I mean, we're officially engaged now, so no worries." Hudson says to Kerem and Meredith and we all chuckle. He grabs my hand after they both nod and kidnaps me.

We just walked through the Bellevue when he told me that Kerem had a surprise. He didn't tell me exactly what, but he was sure that Meredith is going to tell me soon.

After 15 minutes Meredith calls me to meet again. Hudson knew she would want tell me and I'm pretty excited. When I see them at a distance I get even more excited to know but when I finally notice her look I see tears. Her eyes are bloodshot and she wipes her tears with her right wrist. Then she walks faster than Kerem and hugs me tightly.

What the hell happened? 

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