Chapter 74

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Ashley's POV

His arms are around my waist, his hands are resting on my stomach and he lays his head on my shoulder. My heart is racing almost out of my chest. I later notice that I'm holding my hands on his. He puts one hand on top of mine.

"I want you back. That's all I want. I want you and Deniz, nothing else. Please give me a chance." He says into my ear and I can feel the goosebumps I'm getting. I can't say anything. I want him too and I want to become a family. He made a big mistake but now I know he did it to save me.

All I do is nod. I'm just speechless and my voice would crack if I were to try and speak because I'm almost crying. He notices my nodding and turns me around. He's holding my face now and looks deeply into my eyes. When I see his eyes becoming glassy I can't hold my tears back. This time it's the tears of happiness.

Hudson's POV

"She's going to give me another chance," I tell Kerem and Defne, who couldn't wait to hear it. They high five each other happily and Defne hugs me. When she lets go of me again, she looks like something drastic has happened.

"What about the proposal?" She asks and remembers me. Is it maybe early? I'm afraid she says no.

"I'm not sure..."

"What do you mean by 'you're not sure', Hudson?" Kerem asks unhappily.

"I don't want to make a big proposal for nothing. What am I going to do if she says no?" I think it over.

"She never stopped loving you, Hudson." Kerem says.

"Umm... And have you forgot that she has a child with you?? Of course, she's saying yes!" Defne adds and we all chuckle.

"Ok... What's the plan?" I ask and Defne gets all excited. Even Kerem starts smiling and reminds me to tell Meredith about it so she can help.

My phone rings and I realize the sun's blinding me on my bed. When I look at the time it's 10 am. Then I try to see the name on my phone. Amar. I jump up after reading it and rub my eyes to be sure what I just saw. Why is Amar calling me? I get nervous and he continues ringing. I decide to pick the phone up.

"Hello, Amar." I immediately say. He's silent.

"Hello, Hudson." He breaks the silence after what seems like a full minute.

"How... Are you-"

"I know you met Asli and Deniz. Samir told me." He interrupts me. From where does Samir even know? Wait... Ashley told him for sure.

"Yes, that's right. And I'm very sorry about it. I told Ashley the truth-"

"What do you want to do now? Explain? Don't you think it's too late?" He snaps again. I knew this would come one day but I didn't expect it so early. And I'm not talking about the time.

"I know it's too late. And I apologized. But I want to make things clear now. I want to propose to Ashley. Whether you like it or not, I'm going to do that. But this time I hope you won't come between us and choose for her. We have a child together so the perspective is different than five years ago. So thank you, Amar." I finally say what I wanted.

"I don't know, and I don't care what happened. I just don't want her to be broken again." He says.

"I promise. She won't be hurt anymore." I say and he says nothing more than a goodbye.

Ashley's POV

In the morning Hudson kind of looked angry. But not at me. He saw me all alone in the kitchen, hugged me from behind, kissed my neck, and left the kitchen.

Meredith begged me to go out again and Defne wants to come with us. I don't know why but I agreed and Kerem said that he's going out with Hudson and Deniz.

We have a nice shopping day all together and decide to go to Piccadilly Circus. While walking we see many people with red roses in their hands. First, we don't know where they got them but then I notice Kerem with a bunch of roses in his hands.

Meredith and Defne giggle and move away from me. What is happening? I don't know what to do but stand and look shocked.

"Anne!" Deniz yells from behind and I immediately turn around.

I see her in a beautiful red dress that I've never seen on her before. And then I realize Hudson behind her. She walks towards me and grabs my hand. Deniz pulls me towards Hudson and at last she places my hand in his. I'm still confused. He smiles and kneels in front of me. Deniz gets a small red box out and gives it to Hudson. He opens it and a diamond ring I looked at some hours ago in the Swarovski shop is in it. Oh my God.

"Anne, will you marry Dad?" Deniz asks me excitedly.

I almost can't breathe.

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