Chapter 8

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Ashley's POV

When I enter Meredith's room I remember that I forgot my phone in the guest room. I mean... Hudson's room.

"Fuck!" I mumble. I don't want to wake Meredith up. I want to get my phone, but I don't want to enter his room again, that would be embarrassing. But I need my phone. When my parents find out that I'm not present at home they'll be calling me a thousand times, though. Damn it! What should I do now?

I am still standing at the door and look in the darkness while Meredith is snoring. After some minutes of thinking, I decided to grab all my courage and go get my phone. It'll be much more embarrassing if Hudson's wakes up because of my phone ringing. Or even worse, if he judges me in front of Meredith and her parents tomorrow.

I walk silently out of Meredith's room and want to knock on Hudson's door. I hold my fist ready to knock but I'm stuck. I can't just knock and want my phone back like a little dork. He probably is annoyed enough by me. And anyway, my phone is on mute.

I go back to Meredith and lay beside her. But I cannot shut even one eye because I'm still thinking about him. Hudson was at the beginning like a... how can I say this? Dumbass. I don't know Hudson so I can't judge him. But what I know is that he's kinda hot. I was always curious about what Meredith's brother looked like, but I never thought he could be that good-looking. He has green eyes and light-brown hair and his body looked very trained. His British accent was so cute. Omg. Ashley, stop adoring the brother of your best friend. I'd better go to sleep now.

Hudson's POV

I wake up in my bed in Hampstead and have completely forgotten about last night until I see her suitcase. I look at the time on my phone and see it's 10am, so my parents are probably already awake. When I dress and walk out of my room Ashley is silently walking out of Meredith's room. Damn, I didn't expect her to be already awake. Meredith could sleep till noon and still need to be woken by mom. When Ashley turns around, she looks startled. I am still staring at her like a freak.

"Omg, I didn't recognize you behind me." She whispers and holds her hand on her chest.

"Good morning to you too." I sarcastically say. I regret my mean greeting and start to smile as reparation.

"Oh yeah, sorry. Good morning." She nervously joins my smile. I feel myself getting nervous too. I don't even know why I'm nervous right now.

"Can I get my stuff from your room? I don't want to meet your parents in pyjamas you know?" She nervously says and smiles.

"Oh yeah... sure... of course." I stutter like a dork. What is wrong with me?

"Thank you. So, see you later!" She says and heads to my room.

"Yeah, see you," I say quietly and in relief.

In the living room, I meet my parents and they are surprised. They tell me how much they've missed me and all the things I missed. But they don't tell me about Ashley yet. And I'm not going to spoil anything about our embarrassing meeting yesterday in my... bed. I wait till she comes and introduces herself in front of my parents and we act like we never met before.

As I was thinking about her, she enters the living room. But she has styled herself and I have to admit that she looks even better than before.

"Oh my God, Ashley! You have grown into a woman!" My mother almost shouts and hugs her immediately. I even think she is more surprised about Ashley's presence than mine.

"Thank you, Marie-Anne! I've missed you so much. Zurich is not the same without you." She says. Wow, sounds like they were very close to each other.

"Oh honey, we missed you too. How are your parents and brothers?" My mother asks her. So she has brothers?

"Fine, thank you for asking." They are still smiling at each other.

"Ashley, have you already met Meredith's older brother Hudson? He lives in Washington right now but came to surprise us." My mother announces. I try to act like we never met before and hold out my hand to greet her.

"Oh yeah, we already met." She smiles at me while I stare surprised at her not knowing what to say.

"Oh, so you already met? When?" My mother asks curiously. Fuck. 

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