Chapter 25

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Ashley's POV

I was upstairs drinking some water. As I wanted to go back to Meredith I heard Hudson mentioning my name. I thought he's calling me so I entered his room. After I realized that he was talking on the phone I thought I just heard it wrong. But then I heard him talking with Trevor.

"Yes, so I think there is no chance for you Trevor. I'm really sorry." He speaks on the phone. Oh no, he did not!

"Who are you talking about?" I ask harshly. He frightens and turns around nervously looking at me.

"Trevor I have to hang up. Bye." He says to him and holds his phone away from his ear.

"Ashley, please let me explain..."

"Hudson, I want an answer." I try to keep calm but I want to yell at him so badly.

"I just told him that you have other plans so he doesn't bother you..." He says quite and nervously.

"The only one who's bothering me is you, Hudson! It's not your freaking business whom I have contact with and of course, you shouldn't tell anybody stories about my life!" I yell at him. He looks at me, embarrassed.

"I don't want to see you with him, Ashley! I'm really sorry for being such a selfish jerk but I can't see you with any other guy than me." While he says that he walks towards me and holds both of my hands. I want to push him away but I'm stuck on his words.

"I like you, Ashley. I like you a lot. Just... please, give me a chance." He interrupts me inches away from my face. His green-blue eyes are glassy. I can't do this. I let go from his hands. He painfully closes his eyes and opens them to look directly at me.

"Hudson..." I start to say but he interrupts me.

"Please, don't say it." He says disappointed.

Without any word, I leave the room as fast as I can before my tears break out faster. I want to go to the bathroom, so Meredith won't recognize what happened. But actually, I don't want to hide anything from her now. So I enter her room in tears. She immediately stands up and hugs me.

"Ash, what happened?" She asks.

"I wasn't always honest to you, Meredith." I sob. As she closes the door and we sit on her couch I tell her everything.

"So, Hudson likes you then and is jealous about Trevor. Now anything makes sense about his acting weird, though. But what about you? Do you have the same feelings for him?" She asks curiously.

"I don't know. But all I know is that I won't let Hudson decide things for me. I don't want to start anything with Trevor but if he is interested, I won't stop him." I decide. I know it's Meredith's brother, but she agrees with me anyway after hearing about this.

"Well, I think I just have to wait till Trevor texts you." She smiles and tries to cheer me up a little.

"Wait, he doesn't have my number." I remind her.

"Don't be so sure." Meredith smiles playfully.

"What have you done while I wasn't here?" I ask, but actually, I don't want to know. It's probably something embarrassing.

"I had a phone call with Camille and she told me that Trevor was impressed by you so I gave her your number so she can give it to Trevor." She says smiling. Oh no, this is as embarrassing as I thought.

"You didn't." I say.

"Yes, I did." She chuckles. I have to smile but still, I feel embarrassed. I have a feeling this is not going to end well. As we talked a lot about this we got tired and fell asleep.

The next morning we wake up early enough for breakfast. We get ready to walk to the balcony and eat together with her parents. As we see Hudson I feel a little uncomfortable but I don't know if it's because of what he said last night or because I told Meredith everything. Anyway, it's an awkward feeling. I sit next to him like many times before, but I am used to it. I just don't have to think about his words.

"I like you, Ashley. I like you a lot." I hear his voice from last night in my head and shake my head a little to get rid of it. While I try to shake my head without getting any attention I let my hand fall directly on my phone in front of me so it fell from the table. Everyone is looking at me and I apologize nervously.

I want to get my phone as I notice Hudson already got it but looks at the screen very angrily. As he gives it to me without looking at me I check my screen. I got a message.

*Hi Ashley, it's Trevor.*


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