Chapter 45

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Hudson's POV

"I can't believe it!" Meredith says after they hugged.

"Me too. You look gorgeous!" He smiles. I can't believe what I've been missing!

"Thank you. You look handsome too." She says shyly. Ok, that's enough.

"What the hell is going on here?" I ask angrily.

"Hudson, when you were in Washington, Ashley and I were at the same school as Kerem." Meredith explains to me.

"Not just that... We were very good friends." Kerem says still staring at Meredith.

"Best friends." She says and they both stare smiling at each other.

"I guess we have to go now. I want to surprise Ashley before she wakes up." I remind Kerem and he finally reacts.

On the way, at Ashley's house, they don't stop talking and laughing. They are annoying me, but I try to ignore it. I've got bigger problems than my sister talking to that maybe future husband of the girl I love. Or how should I call him... Freaking dork. I know Ashley does not want me to think about how I might lose her but I know I will. He's just exactly the guy her family wants for her and I don't even have a little thing in common with Kerem. We probably don't even like the same food. But that doesn't mean I'm going to give up easily. I'm not leaving Ashley without fighting.

"Only the ones who fight can love." A guy from a film we once watched together said. One of Ashley's favorite films. Every time she hears this quote her eyes sparkle. She just loves romantic films and characters like him are heroes for her. I'm afraid Kerem is the hero her family is looking for to match her with. But I want to prove that her family is wrong.

We arrive at the house and the moment Ashley sees her best friend she screams. At first I'm shocked, but now I'm annoyed. They hug so tightly and jump around as if they haven't seen each other for years. I get kind of jealous. I wouldn't get a hug like that from either of them. Kerem and I are just watching them but he's smiling instead.

"What are you doing here?!" Ashley asks her happily.

"I am your support, Ash! What do you think?" Meredith says and now I feel cheated by my own sister.

"I'm disappointed, Meredith." I say playfully.

"Aw, don't act like you didn't see that coming. I am supporting you both of course!" Meredith smiles at me.

"She's right. You can't support just one of you if you are a couple. That's like supporting Batman but not Robbin." Kerem says and both of the girls agree with him.

"Mind your own business, you freaking dork." I say and regret it because the girls now look angrily at me, as if I were the devil in this room.

"Alright, alright. I'm only joking." I apologize to him.

"And?" Meredith questions.

"And thank you for driving and helping me surprise Ashley." I say through my teeth.

"You don't have to apologize. I can understand your attitude. It wouldn't be easy for me either with a situation like yours." He says. As if he's ever experienced anything like my situation, I want to say, but I've said enough already to make them feel angry at me and adore Kerem even more.

"Ok, let's get ready and go to the Bellevue. I've missed it so much!" Meredith almost yells with happiness. Nothing new.

"Hudson, Kerem get ready. You will come with us." Meredith decides but I'm not happy with that. Why does he have to be always with us? Well, I guess because Ashley's family won't allow me to be alone with her so I guess he's the bodyguard here.

We are at Lake Zurich and it's still full of people as always in the morning. Meredith and Ashley hold each other and walk around. I try to walk with Ashley hand in hand but I always land right behind them with Kerem. We bought some chips and drinks from a grocery store named Migros and sit right in front of the Lake on some stones. I finally manage to sit next to Ashley while Meredith is in deep conversation with Kerem.

"They are really cute." Ashley says to me meaning my sister and this freaking dork.

"Whatever." I say annoyed.

"What's wrong? I notice your attitude towards him." She says softly but serious. I look into her dark blue eyes and can't but tell the truth about how I feel.

"I'm afraid. Afraid that your family won't like me and I won't manage to be the one they want for you. I'm not as perfect as Kerem is for your family." I admit. She changes her look from curious to sad.

"Why do you mind?" She asks.

"Of course I mind. Just look at him, Ashley. He's big, funny and sociable. And he's your childhood friend which means he knows you better than I do." I explain while I point at him.

"What makes you so sure? I mean, yes, we spent our childhood together and our families are close, but that doesn't mean you have to rank everything in that way. Even if he knows more, he doesn't know the little but important things about me like you do and if you still want to rank it, then count it double. It doesn't matter whether he's perfect for my family or not when you are the perfect for me, Hudson." Ashley says. I could kiss her for these words, but I shouldn't.

"I love you." I say instead.

"I love you too." She says.

"Don't say too." I say.

"Why not?" She chuckles.

"I feel like you just are agreeing with me." I say. She chuckles again.

"I love you." She smiles.

"That's better." I smile back.

"They're really cute. I can't believe she never told him." She changes the subject.

"Told him what?" I ask and feel the anger rising. I hope it's not what I think.

"That she had a crush on him in high school." Ashley reads my mind.

Oh hell no! 

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