Chapter 72

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Hudson's POV

"Oh my God..." I look down at the ground, shocked. I'm genuinely stunned.

"Hudson, we want your permission first. Please don't be upset. You know we've loved each other for years..." Meredith says but I interrupt her.

"Yes." I snap.

"Wait... what?" Kerem asks, unsure.

"I'm totally fine with it. I'm happy for you guys. And even happier that you ask me for permission. I mean, I thought you two were already married or something." I admit. The thought of them marrying without inviting me gives me goosebumps and makes me feel unwell. But I'm happy it's not like this. Kerem and I are very good friends. There is no guy on earth I would want to become my sister's husband more than him.

"Oh! My! God! Thank you!!!" Meredith screams and stands up to hug me tightly. Kerem follows her move but is much more professional and less feminine of course. Ashley walks downstairs and looks scared.

"What just happened? Why did you scream?" She asks Meredith. Then my excited sister hugs her and explains what just happened. Ashley looks proudly at me and I immediately feel better. I have to talk to her about the kiss ten minutes ago and express my feelings again. I think I should talk with Kerem first but where is he? When I look around I notice Defne is gone too.

I go upstairs and leave Ashley and Meredith still hugging. I see Defne and Kerem whisper but the second Defne sees me she smiles playfully.

"There he is: mister Romantic." She says and I guess I know what the topic of their conversation was.

"So you told her, you love her AND kissed her but didn't propose? How weak of you!" Kerem playfully adds. Propose? For marriage? I didn't think of that but it doesn't sound that bad. I mean since we have a child and I noticed I can't love anybody, like I love Ashley and my daughter, becoming an actual family sounds great to me.

"W-Wait... You mean I should propose for marriage to her?" I stutter.

"If you won't, Trevor will." Defne snaps and Kerem looks with wide eyes at her. Like he wants to say 'shut up' to her.

"What do you mean? Trevor will propose to her? Did they date when I wasn't around??" My heart stops beating at the thought of Trevor and Ashley dating. She didn't mention him. But why should she? I left her alone pregnant for five years... I shouldn't even ask for it.

"They went on some dates. Ashley doesn't call them that. She says they met as friends but we all know that Trevor has feelings for her." Kerem tells us honestly. How could my cousin do this when he knows that she has a child with me and still tries to steal her from me? Well, she's not mine. Not now.

"Do you even want to marry her?" Kerem asks me. Years ago I didn't know the answer to that question but today I'm very sure about it.

"Yes. I want no one more than her as my wife." I answer this question. Defne starts smiling. She looks so proud of me. I'm happy that I've got such good support. But still, I'm disappointed in Trevor. I never thought he would try this. He was invited to our wedding. He knows our story. I just don't know how to feel about it. He was like my best friend.

"Then what are you waiting for? Propose to Asli abla!" Defne says excitedly. It's cute how she calls her. Kerem and I chuckle at the same time.

"You want to marry Anne?" Deniz asks at the door. She just came out of her bedroom. She looks tired. I wasn't sure whether she's sleepwalking and when I look at Kerem and Defne they look like they aren't sure either. I turn to her and kneel so we're face to face.

"Yes, sweetheart. Do you want to help me?" I smile. Her look changes from unsure to excited.

"Olay! Yes!" She almost yells and I give a sign to be quiet.

"But you need to keep it to yourself. I'm going to surprise her." I tell her and she hugs me.

"Okay, dad." Deniz says and hearing her calling me dad gives me chills. I join her hug and she hugs me even tighter.

We hug then and go downstairs again. Deniz hugs Ashley and I give her the same sign as before. She gives me the same sign back as an agreement.

The doorbell suddenly rings and everyone is confused: who could this be? I walk towards the door to open it. When I open it, I see someone. I never felt this before. Hate. I feel hate right now. His presence gives me a shudder on my back. His look changes from happy to confused in seconds.


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