Chapter 58

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Ashley's POV

"What happened?" I ask, afraid of what she will tell me. Kerem is still walking and calling after Meredith. I'm lost.

"He told me he likes me." She whispers into my ear and then looks at me still holding her arms around me. I finally realize she's smiling.

"Wait, what? Kerem likes you back?" I say a little too loud when Kerem arrives at us.

"Yes, I do. Meredith, please." He says breathless from running. Meredith's last tear falls down her cheek and she turns around slowly letting go of my hug. I just look at her, not knowing what's happening.

"I know that you've liked me since high school. And I'm sorry if what I told you hurt your feelings, but I now do like you. I hope you can give us a chance." He says walking towards her. They're inches apart staring at each other.

I grab Hudson's hand while he looks concentrated and walk away with him to leave them alone. He hesitates at first, but the second he sees my serious look he agrees silently.

30 minutes later, Meredith and Kerem walk towards us. They both look sad but I tell Hudson to just stay silent. We let them talk if they want but if not it's their decision. Meredith will probably tell me what happened later.

"Can we go home?" Meredith breaks the awkward silence. Hudson nods and we head to the car. Even in the car, it's silent, just the music is blaring from the radio.

As we arrive Meredith and I immediately go to our room and she lays on her bed. I follow her and we both are lying down while staring at the ceiling.

"He tried to convince me, but it didn't work." She says with no emotion.

"Why?" I ask, sounding emotionless too.

"Because his family doesn't like me anyway. They know about you and Hudson and it will be problematic." she says and sits up.

"I'm not saying it's your fault. I would never blame you or Kerem. We're just not meant to be together. And someday he would find the right Turkish girl for himself and maybe, I don't know, I would find an English guy too." She tries to act optimistic. I don't believe her being ok with this.

"Meredith, are you sure? Kerem really needs time to fall in love with someone, but he fell in love with you quickly. That's supposed to be serious." I say while sitting up.

"I just don't feel good knowing his family would hate me. I mean, they've known me since I was little but now this whole situation changed everything. And to be honest, Kerem's parents are awkward as fuck sometimes." She says madly.

"Typical Turkish parents." I say and she chuckles lightly. I'm relieved she shows a reaction. I join her chuckling then we hug so tightly that we fall back on the bed and crack up.

Hudson's POV

Two weeks. For two weeks I've been getting texts from Monika threatening me. It's the same as usual. She would do something to Ashley. Last week Ashley went to the store alone and someone almost ran her over when she walked across the streets. She told me that she couldn't see who it was but she's sure it was a woman driving the car. Ten minutes later Monika sends me a photo sitting behind the wheel. I couldn't recognize where exactly she was so I just told her to not do anything worse.

Ashley and I want to go out today. Alone. Kerem doesn't want to come and of course, Meredith wouldn't come too so we're all alone. I borrowed Kerem's car to get my girl. She's wearing the same dress as when we went out for the first time at the Piccadilly circus. She looks beautiful and I tell her of course. And again I have to see her flushing at those words.

When we're outside I see some Ice cream stand she loves and surprisingly want to buy her one and myself one too. I order the strawberry flavor for both of us. There is one flavor with strawberries and peanuts but Ashley is allergic to peanuts so I'm just going to taste this new one. The ice cream stand employee marks the one with the peanuts so we won't get the wrong one.

As I surprise her with the ice cream she flushes and hugs me tightly. At soon as we're eating the ice cream I recognize no nuts in my ice cream. But before I can say it out loud Ashley stops eating her ice cream.

"Hudson, my throat is burning." She says and I immediately grab her ice cream to look whether she got the mark on her ice cream, but she doesn't. It's still on mine. She holds her neck with her right hand and breathes loudly. I throw the ice cream on the ground so I can hold her.

"Ashley, are you ok? What's happening?!" I panic while she still tries to catch her breath.

"I-I can hardly... b-breathe." She says and gets red in her face. Suddenly she drops on the ground and I follow her in panic.

"Ashley, can you hear me? Ashley, everything's going to be fine! I will drive you to the hospital!!" I carry her whole body and run to the car. With some problems, I finally get the car open and put her in.

After we arrive at the emergency ward they immediately help me get her in and someone asks me what happened. I told them that she ate peanuts and she got an allergic reaction. But after I deliver her I cannot see her. Almost 30 minutes later I am still waiting for her when I get a text. It's from Monika.

*How is your little peanut doing?* She texts.

This little whore did not!

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