Chapter 31

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Ashley's POV

The thought of being alone with Hudson in the house makes me nervous but I guess having Trevor here would definitely not be a good idea.

"Actually, don't call them. I feel bad for Trevor because I rejected him. So it would be very awkward if he stays here..." I say.

"You are probably right," Meredith says and puts her phone away.

"Let's just enjoy this day before you leave!" I say and hug her.

"You're right. Oh God I'm going to miss you so badly!" She hugs me back tightly.

Hudson's POV

Actually, I didn't think Ashley would stop Meredith calling Trevor. She probably doesn't want to see him since she rejected him. Better for me.

As I am still thinking about what Ashley and I could do somebody knocks on my bedroom door. When I open it, it's Ashley.

"Hudson, we're eating breakfast, are you coming?" She asks me in a friendly tone.

"Sure. But first... Thank you." I say.

"For what?" She looks confused.

"For not calling Trevor here and staying alone with me in the house even though I know you don't feel comfortable." I say.

"Did you eavesdrop on us?" She asks playfully.

"Well, kind of. I mean you two don't really talk silently." I chuckle and she joins me. I grab her hand and she immediately looks nervous. I like it when I make her feel this way. This gives me more confidence in my feelings for her.

"It really means a lot to me that you want to stay alone with me here. I promise you won't feel lonely or bored." I say and she smiles. When I let go of her hand, we walk down to the balcony to finally eat breakfast.

Ashley's POV

I have to admit, that really was adorable of him. I guess I'm not feeling nervous or uncomfortable now. Actually, I don't even have a reason to.

While we were eating, we decided to go to the shopping center to buy stuff for Meredith's school camp. Hudson drives us so we had to get ready really fast. I didn't even put on makeup.

In the shopping center, Meredith meets some friends, and Hudson and I are standing awkwardly beside her talking with them.

"Let's get to the grocery store for some snacks. I've planned something for us tonight." Hudson whispers and I am now excited about what he has planned.

"Meredith, Hudson and I are going to the grocery store. We're going to meet in 15 minutes at the exit." I say to her and she just nods. I hope she understood and if not, she still can contact us.

I caught Hudson smiling when I told Meredith I'm going with him. We walk into the store as an older man crashes into me. I almost tripped but Hudson caught me. The stranger looks angrily at me and walks as nothing happened. Hudson is still behind me holding my arms.

"Saying sorry costs nothing!" Hudson yells at this man but he ignores him.

"Are you ok?" He asks with a worried look.

"Yes, I am, thank you." I smile at him and he smiles back. A girl in the store is staring at us when we get in. She looks at me like I stole something from her.

"Hudson, am I going insane or why is this girl staring at me?" I ask him if he notices her too.

"Which girl-..." He looks around and stops. He looks shocked at this girl I meant.

"Hudson?" I say but he doesn't react. Some seconds later he finally realizes that he's staring at her.

"Let's get out of here." He frowns and grabs my wrist to walk out of the grocery store. Wait, what?

"Hi, Hudson. Long time no see." Someone says and I turn to face her. It's that girl who looked at me. And she knows Hudson?

"I hoped to never see you again, Monika." He frowns at her.

"You don't want to introduce me to your new friend?" She says playfully and obviously means me. Somebody please tell me who this is!

"I know you're not good at it but mind your own business." He snaps. I've never seen him this cold before.

"So, I guess I have to do it by myself. Hi, I'm Monika, Hudson's girlfriend." She introduces herself.

What? Girlfriend? 

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