Chapter 50

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Ashley's POV

"No, we are playing impressions!" Meredith immediately lies. It's incredible how fast she can lie. Like the lies are hidden up her sleeves and she just has to shake her arm a bit to spill them out.

"Alright, but can you help me out in the kitchen now?" My mother says looking at me.

"Umm, sure but can we finish... our game... first?" I try to lie and look at Meredith as a help sign. She just chuckles and my mother is still standing there.

"Asli, you are not a kid anymore!" She says, now angry at me. If only she knew...

"Alright, Nermin teyze. We will help you right after this round, I promise." Meredith assures her. My mother always liked Meredith and accepts everything she says. Sometimes I was jealous about it but now I'm used to it and sometimes even take advantage of it.

My mother nods and smiles then walks away. The second she was far enough so she can't hear us, I came back to the subject.

"Why?" I ask curiously.

"I don't know his signs are not clear." She looks sadly down at her hands.

"Ok, then you should probably tell him." I give her advice. It's bad advice but the best way to find out the truth.

"No! Of course not! I don't want to scare him away." Meredith almost yells.

"Yes, but he will find out anyway from someone else. You'd better be the only person telling him." I say.

"Maybe you are right... but just maybe! So don't flatter yourself." She points her index finger on me and chuckles.

"You know I like honesty. It's always good to tell the truth." I say but thinking back to the time in London, I wasn't honest with Hudson and Meredith either, so I hope she won't say that.

"But the truth is not always good." Meredith reminds me.

"Unfortunately, yes," I say, and hold the door to. I'm afraid someone else comes now and disturbs our conversation again.

Two weeks have passed now and nothing has changed. Hudson and I are allowed to go out but only with Meredith and Kerem. And Meredith didn't tell Kerem anything that she'd promised me she would. Surprisingly, Hudson didn't tell him either and I'm proud. He thought of using Meredith's feelings for Kerem against him but I guess he gave up on this and I'm happy.

We went on a trip to Germany in a city near Zurich. Hudson and Kerem started to become friends and us girls shopped for what we needed. So we have arrived at home now. It's 8 pm and my brothers are already at home.

"Hi guys, how was your little trip?" Samir asks right after we enter the living room, but Amar looks grumpy sitting on the sofa.

"It was nice, Samir abi. Look what I bought!" Meredith shakes her wrist to Samir, excited to show the shiny new bracelet she bought.

"Cute." He chuckles and Meredith joins him.

Amar holds the TV remote and flics through the channels without even looking at us. I look at Samir and ask him silently what's wrong. Samir throws me an "I'll tell you later" look and I leave it at this.

Hudson stays at Kerem's and I was surprised when he told me but I'm happy too. They're finally getting closer. My best friend since childhood and my boyfriend.

Later my father calls me into the living room and Meredith comes with me. When he sees her, he greets Meredith in Turkish nicely. My father even hugs her and this makes me happy every time it happens.

"Meredith, I know you two are like sisters but still I want to talk with Asli alone." He says to her. I get curious but nervous too. What is so important?

"Alright, Osman amça." She says and walks into my room but I see her leaving the door open a little so she still can hear us.

"What's wrong, baba?" I ask nervously.

"I want to talk about you and Hudson. You two have been together all the time now since he's here. And I want you to be honest with me. Is he the right one for you? Does he bother you or do you feel safe with him?" He asks me seriously. Oh, no. I should've expected this moment to come.

"Yes, I feel safe and I think he's right for me." I say and mean it.

"He didn't bother you, right?" My father asks me unsure.

"No, no, he didn't." I say.

"Alright, that means you are ready to get engaged."

Wait, what?! 

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