Chapter 12

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Ashley's POV

I show my phone to Meredith and she gives me a sign to answer it. She might be the one with strange ideas, but she always takes responsibility for them. I know my dad is going to be angry. No, he's going to freak out.

"Hello?" I answer my phone shyly.

"Asli? Nerdesin?" My mom is on the phone asking where I am. She sounds angry but also sad.

"Anne, I am in London. I told you I am not going to let dad engage me to Kerem. Not now..." I say and regret what I said. She's maybe in pain because she was afraid about whether I was well or not and I just responded so heartlessly.

"I thought so, I... I read your letter and your father too. He's very angry at you and doesn't want to speak with you anymore. Samir told us you will marry Kerem when you're back, but didn't you think of us? What parents would accept their daughter being so far away and on her own?" She's crying. Now I get glassy eyes and Meredith ushers me to the toilets at the shopping centre, where we have arrived.

"Anne, don't cry. I will call you every day and as soon this is over, I'll be back and it will not take long I promise. Just let me make my dream come true before I get married, please." Some tears call down my cheeks, but I try not to whine on the phone. I don't want my mother to recognize how much this call hurts me.

"Dad is not happy with your decision and he will not talk to you until you're back." She whines.

"I know, Anne. I will call you again tomorrow and tell everyone that I love them. Goodbye." I say and even more tears roll down my cheeks.

"We love you too. Please take care of yourself and don't forget to talk again. Greet Marie-Anne from me and..." She speaks without breathing.

"Ok, ok Anne. Don't worry everything is fine and I will greet Marie-Anne for you. Now I have to go. I love you. Goodbye." I hang up after she whimpers goodbye to me and I hold my hand in front of my mouth.

"Hey honey, you did it finally, ok? Think positive, it's over now you can live your dream." Meredith comforts and hugs me tightly.

After a moment she is my lifesaver, because she has a concealer in her purse to touch up my smeared makeup. We finally head out of the bathroom and all this drama. I am still hurt that my father doesn't speak to me, but I am here now, in England, and I don't have to bother myself with those thoughts and feelings. Meredith promised me we going to have a great time here.

"Is everything ok?" Hudson asks curiously and I think he looks worried. It's maybe a little egotistical to think like this but I feel good when he's worried. I feel like he's caring about how I am.

"I'm fine thank you." I smile at him. And he starts to smile in relief. While we stare at each other I forget Meredith beside me.

"Uhm, hello? Are you two hiding something or what is this adoring here?" She playfully asks and smiles at us. I roll my eyes but feel nervous when she asks.

"Meredith, stop." Hudson glances at her.

"Ok, ok I'm sorry." She apologizes, but when he turns away, she starts to giggle quietly. I think the thought of me with her brother doesn't bother her much. She almost doesn't mind. But I do. I mean, there is nothing between us, but I would mind if there were anything.

We head to the H&M store because I need a new bra but I told Meredith to lie and say that that she needs one. She starts to laugh at me when I quietly ask her if she would pretend and I slap her playfully on her arm. When we search for the bras, Hudson is clinging to us. Why doesn't he go to the men's wear or something? But no, stays glued to us like a bodyguard watching our backs. When Meredith tells him to get her something to drink from the grocery store nearby H&M he is finally not present, so I can look for my bra.

I find something nice but have to try it out. Meredith likes it and wants to try it out too. She comes to the cabin next to mine and as we are trying Hudson's voice appears again.

"Meredith, you texted you were here but which cabin are you in?" He almost yells.

"Here!" Meredith yells and I have to smirk. Hudson's steps are loud enough to hear them coming near. When I turn around to the mirror to picture myself someone opens my curtain. I immediately turn around and let out a frightened noise while there's Hudson with wide eyes. Obviously, he opened the wrong curtain.

"Oh my God, sorry!" He almost shouts.

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