Chapter 26

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Hudson's POV

I can't believe it! Just when I want to be polite and grab her phone from off the floor I see a message from Trevor. I clearly told him to leave her alone!

"What's wrong?" Meredith asks Ashley and she just shows her screen. And of course, Meredith is smirking.

"Ok, we've got to do something then." She says, still smirking, and it annoys me.

I leave the table before I say or do something I'll regret and walk directly into my bedroom. I think I should call Trevor but I hesitate.

"Omg! Say yes!!" I hear Meredith screaming. Oh no, don't tell me what I think he did. I walk out of my room to ask what happened. As I enter Meredith still looks excited, but Ashley is getting uncomfortable because of my presence.

"Why were you screaming, Meredith?" I act like I was worried. To be honest, I am worried, but just because of Trevor.

"Oh my God, Hudson! Trevor asked Ashley out!!" She jumps in excitement. That's exactly what I was afraid of. It's time to be open or he's going to steal my girl. Well, she's not my girl but still, she knows that I like her and dates my cousin? There is no way I'm going to allow this.

"You are not going to this date, are you?" I ask Ashley and don't care that Meredith is giving me a dirty look right now. Ashley quickly changes the mood into anger.

"I don't think I have to ask you. It's not your business, Hudson." Ashley snaps. That hurts. But after she said that I feel like a jerk. Maybe I should've been more proactive and then we could have talked this week more than we actually did. I leave the room speechless and disappointed.

Ashley's POV

I didn't want to be this mean, but I wanted to pretend to Meredith that I don't have feelings for her brother. I know she has no problem with that, but I still don't feel comfortable with this.

Trevor asked me out but I have never been on a date before so what should I wear? I ask Meredith for some tips and she helps me. Trevor said he'll pick me up tomorrow in the evening and we will go to a restaurant I never heard of.

The next day I take a shower. As I wear just a towel around my body and walk to Meredith's room I remember when I had Hudson's towel on for the first time and he made fun of me. I quickly shake my head to get those memories out of my head and when I stop he's in front of me.

"Good morning." He says sadly, and I start to feel bad.

"Good morning." I say, ashamed. As he turns to leave I want to stop him somehow.

"I'm sorry." I apologize. Why am I actually apologizing? He's the control freak who wants me to not go on this date. But I guess I just wanted him to stop.

"For what?" He turns to face me again.

"I... I was really mean yesterday to you..." I say, even more ashamed.

"No, I just overreacted. I am sorry. So have fun with Trevor." He says with pain in his voice.

"Meredith knows about this." I quickly say. Why do I even mention this?

"About what?" He asks.

"About us... Well, what you told me last time..." I say nervously, not mentioning his feelings for me.

"That I like you? I think she already noticed that before." Hudson says and I am confused. I know Meredith is smart and recognizes really quickly when somebody has romantic feelings for someone else, but I don't think she knew about Hudson's feelings at all.

"I have never looked at anyone like I always look at you. And we almost got caught many times hanging out together." He says. And this makes real sense. Except the part where he says that he stares at me a lot. I wouldn't have known what to say to this so I'm happy he quickly changes the subject.

"She didn't look like she knew when I told her about this. Well, it's in the past and we should forget it." I say.

"Yes, I think you should get ready for your date now." He says disappointedly. I feel bad now. And he leaves without saying anything else.

As I get ready for the date Trevor is already here. Hudson left moments ago so I don't have to see him when I leave with Trevor. I have a Bordeaux red dress from Meredith on and black high heels that don't really feel comfortable yet. He has black dress pants and a blue polo shirt.

"You look gorgeous." He says stunned. I just smile nervously, and we drive with his van to the restaurant. It looks expensive in there. We talk a lot about us and he is really interested in getting to know me, I notice.

When I make an excuse and go to the bathroom I see a guy two tables away from us looking like someone familiar to me. I move on and enter the women's bathroom. As I walk out of the bathroom I see the same guy sitting on my seat talking to Trevor. As I get nearer to see who it is it's somebody I never expected....Hudson!

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