Chapter 21

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Ashley's POV

Wait, what? No. He can't have feelings for me. We don't know each other well enough to have feelings. While I'm still thinking about what I should reply he is coming even nearer with his face to mine. Our lips are two inches away. I am nervous and a little attracted to kiss him. Actually, I want to kiss him badly. As I come back to reality, I stop myself and push him softly with my hands against his breast.

"Hudson, I can't do that. First of all, you're the brother of my best friend. Secondly, I don't think that you actually have feelings for me. We don't know each other well enough." I say, trying to not hurt him. To be honest, I don't know if I mean every word I say, but I'm trying to do the best for all of us.

"You're maybe right, you are my sister's best friend but she doesn't even mind if we get together. And since you've been here I feel something, I've never felt before and I know you feel the same way – I can see it." He explains and holds my arms with both his hands.

"I don't think so, Hudson. And even if this ever happens, we can't be together. I won't say that again." I frown. He can't tell me what I feel that's for sure.


"Open the door, Hudson. Please." I harshly say and look down at the floor, so I don't have to see his disappointed face. Even if he's making me confused and angry, I'm a person who forgives too quickly just so as not to see somebody being disappointed because of me. But this time I must be stubborn.

"Ok." He says and opens the door. I walk immediately out and to Meredith's room. She's still removing her makeup and I don't know what to do for a moment. I just stare at her. When I get back to my senses, I grab a tissue and start removing my makeup too. Meredith doesn't question anything, but I guess she's just too angry at her brother because he yelled at her senselessly. Actually, I don't blame her. I'm angry at him too.

Two weeks have flown by and Hudson and I haven't spoken a word to each other. Sometimes he wanted to start a conversation, but I ignored him. After one week Meredith and I watched a film in the living room and Hudson appeared. He wanted to watch it with us and the film was actually really dramatic. The girl and the guy who are in love couldn't be together because their parents were enemies but after they fought for each other they accepted and let them marry. I cried so much at this and I don't know why, but I felt this so much. Hudson couldn't stop staring at me during the film and even more when I started to cry.

One day Meredith asked me if something had happened, but I pretended to be fine even if I wasn't. I feel bad not telling her the truth but I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable or even worse; that she would blame herself for the situation. As we were hanging out in her bedroom Camille calls her. Meredith puts her on the speaker and says hi.

"Meredith, do you have any plans today?" Camille asks immediately.

"Actually, no. Ashley and I are hanging out at home. Why?" Meredith says.

"Do you mind if Trevor and I are coming over to hang out? He's also asking if Hudson is around." Camille asks. Meredith looks at me and makes a sign to ask if it's ok for me. Of course! I would love to see Camille again. She was so nice that day when we were out with her and Damon. As I nod with a smile at Meredith, she handles this.

"Of course you can come and Hudson is also around!" Meredith answers excitedly. She doesn't actually like her cousins, except for Camille and Trevor, she told me. I'd never met Trevor and she told me he's funny so I'm also excited to meet him later. As Meredith hangs up she goes downstairs to tell her parents and Hudson they're coming over.

An hour later they are already at the door and when I meet them there is Camille with a plain black T-shirt, mom jeans and Vance shoes with a black-and-white chess pattern. That's a completely different style to the first time I met her, but I like it. And the tall guy behind her must be her brother, Trevor, because they look so similar. He has very short brown hair but gold-brown eyes. And to be honest, he's good-looking.

After Meredith and Camille hug each other excitedly she does the same with me. But I don't mind: I love hugs anyway. Trevor and Hudson hug each other too and when he turns to me he first stops and looks confused but still friendly.

"Have we had the pleasure?" He asks charmingly.

"I don't think so. I'm Ashley, Meredith's friend from Switzerland." I smile and hold my hand out. He smiles and grabs my hand and kisses it.

"I'm Trevor. Nice to meet you, Ashley." He smiles and let's go of my hand. I try to not look shocked and smile back. Oh, wow, I didn't expect this. As I look around everyone is staring at us. Especially Hudson.

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