Chapter 44

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Ashley's POV

I first held Hudson's hand to make him feel more comfortable meeting my dad, but the second I see him I become totally afraid of how he's going to react. So, I let go of Hudson's hand. He looks very nervous. My dad is still angry with me.

"Oh, she found the way back home? I see London was not as good as Asli thought it is." He frowns but doesn't look at me. Like he's talking to the wall. Nobody replies. From his horizontal position, he sits up and looks straight at Hudson.

"Who are you?" He asks him with an angry look. But Hudson is as if frozen, standing still at the door with wide eyes and not saying a thing.

"Ehm... Hello? Mister, at the door? I'm asking you..." My father asks curiously but still angry. Hudson jumps up and probably just came back to this world.

"Umm... I... Umm... I'm..."

"Father, this is Hudson. Carl Greyback's son. He dared to fall for Asli and now he's volunteering to marry her." Amar says.

"That's not true!! We gave them time to prove it and if this works out, they'll marry!" Samir interrupts Amar angrily. At least someone told the truth.

"What?! How in the hell do you let this happen?!" Here it comes. My dad is freaking out, just as I expected. After lots of tears falling down my cheeks and a big scene from my father, my brothers end up talking to him alone. 10 minutes go by and they finally come out. My father wants to speak to me alone now and I enter the room with my heart racing wildly and my hands shaking.

"You wanted to talk to me?" I say, my voice cracking. I can't starts crying again, but try to hold back my tears.

"Come here." He points to the couch next to him. I sit there but don't look him in the eyes. He's silent. Awkwardly silent.

"I first asked how my own daughter could do this to me. How can she be so distracted and make such a big mistake? That's not the way I raised you. But... It was all my fault, I guess. I was probably too strict with you and shouldn't have arranged your marriage so soon without even asking you. I did go too far, dear." He breaks the silence without looking at me but instead out the window next to his bed. More tears fall down my cheeks because of his words.

"But just one question... and be honest. Do you love him?" He asks and turns to face me.

"Yes." I say, almost losing my voice from crying and looking down to avoid his eyes. He looks away again.

"Call Carl's son. I want to talk to him. Alone." My dad mumbles. And I nod, thinking that he sees it.

As I tell Hudson that my father wants to see him, I'm just as afraid as he is. He enters the room but no five minutes later he comes out again. His look is emotionless and I'm afraid to know why. This time my dad calls us all. We all enter the room and he's still in the same position I left him in minutes ago.

"I accept it. He can stay in our house and prove his love for Asli. But... If anything wrong happens... Asli is not allowed to see him ever again and marries Kerem with no hesitation." He says turning to face all of us.

"And if it works out... He'll become our son in law." My father says and I breathe out in relief. Nothing has been proved yet, but I have a good feeling anyway. My father is a person who knows what he suggests. I trust him at his choices but sometimes he makes mistakes too. One of them was arranging my marriage with my best friend.

The rest of the day we spend with him walking around the hospital and Hudson tries to get to know my father better. I think it's cute how he tries but it's hopeless. The times Hudson asks him something, my father replies coldly. He should stop before my father gets annoyed. Hudson told me he has one month to prove himself. I am lost. This is way too short.

Hudson's POV

After two days, Meredith finally arrives in Zurich. I asked Kerem to drive me to the airport and surprise Ashley at home. I really need her, but Ashley does too. I guess we'll have to share her.

As Meredith sees us at the arrival, she rushes to hug me. I feel her familiar hug. It's as if she brought Hampstead into my arms. She let's go of my arms softly and looks curiously at Kerem's car.

"Who's this guy?" She points to Kerem standing outside the car and looking at his phone.

"That's that guy Kerem." I tell her madly.

"What?! Kerem? How?" She says and before I can ask her why she walks towards him.

"Kerem?" She says and he smiles at her.

"Oh hi, Meredith!" He says and hugs her. Why the fuck is he hugging my sister? 

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