Chapter 35

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Ashley POV

"Trevor hi!" I say pretending to be excited. Not that I don't like him, but I just didn't expect him here. I wanted to spend some time alone with Hudson. But actually, we are going to have the whole week alone so it's alright.

"Hi guys! I'm sorry for coming without an invitation but I brought Camille to a sleepover near you and wanted to say hi." He says politely as always.

"Well, nobody's here anyway. So I guess you can go now. Greet uncle Larry from me." Hudson frowns. I look at him with wide eyes as a sign that he's rude.

"Trevor, like Hudson, said nobody's here but you can come inside and hang out a little with us instead." I try to make Hudson's argument a nice offer. Hudson is angry at me I can feel it.

"Oh, ok thank you." Trevor comes in.

We go to the living room and as he sees we're watching a romantic comedy I hope he won't recognize the real thing between us. But as soon as he notices the film he actually ignores it and we talk about other stuff. Hudson was angry but I guess he gave up and just laughs with Trevor right now. As I get a call from my mother I let them be alone for a moment.

Hudson's POV

Yes, I was angry that she invited him to come in while I tried to make it romantic for us but I couldn't do anything anyway. Now I'm just enjoying the time with my cousin. As Ashley leaves the living room to talk to her mother we both just get silent.

"So, what's this thing between you two, buddy?" Trevor breaks the silence. Fuck. How?

"What do you mean?" I try to hide it.

"Don't pretend to be dumb, man. I got it the second you told me not to date her but today I got the proof." He smiles playfully. I thought he would be angry, but why is he being like this?

"Why did you date her then?" I ask instead.

"I wanted to give you some kicks in your butt. You wouldn't have told her anything until now if I wouldn't have done this, I know you." He still smiles playfully and he's right. I really won't have kissed her if he didn't date her.

"Ok, fine. You're right, I wouldn't have told her that I like her if your date wouldn't have happened." I admit to him. I can't keep secrets from him. Trevor's more like a brother to me than a cousin.

"I know. So are you a thing now?" He asks and he looks happy. I really feel comfortable when I know that Trevor is happy when I'm happy even if he also likes her.

"I'm not sure yet. We're going to be alone at home for a week and we're trying but if it doesn't work well we pretend like this week never happened and won't tell anybody." I tell him honestly.

"What if it works well for both of you?" He's being curious.

"We still don't know. I mean her family has already decided on her future with another guy, so I really don't have any idea how we're getting along." I say and he looks shocked after I told him that we don't have any idea how we're going to continue.

"Oh, man I'm really sorry. I wish you good luck with this mess." He says and I know he really does feel sorry about us. I've known him since I can remember and he's not a good actor anyway. After some minutes Trevor leaves without saying bye to Ashley.

Ashley comes back with cried out eyes and a sad look. When I realize that I immediately walk towards her to comfort her. The first thing I know about a crying girl is that she needs a tight hug before she can explain what happened.

"My father had a heart attack." She says and bursts into tears again.


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