Chapter 22

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Hudson's POV

Oh no, he did not. How dare Trevor flirt with Ashley? When I saw him kissing her hand, I felt like I was going to flip out. She hasn't spoken to me for two weeks because I told her how I feel even if I knew she has to marry some other guy but when Trevor flirts with her she lets him do that? Now I'm pretty angry about it. And I think Ashley recognized that.

"Oh, Trevor and Camille come in!" Mom walks towards the door and welcomes them.

"Auntie!" Camille screams and hugs her tightly. Mom turns to hug Trevor.

"Trevor, you've turned into a man! And you, Camille, have grown so much!" Mom says and looks at them from head to toe. They both smile shyly and walk-in.

Mom made dinner and they say that they have already eaten before they came but she doesn't want to let them wait for us so they sit on the table anyway. As I wanted to sit next to Ashley my mother called me to help her carry some plates. I hurried so I can go sit next to Ashley. I feel the anger rising in me again when I get back to the table and see somebody else already sitting on my seat talking to her.

Ashley's POV:

"Is somebody already sitting here?" Trevor asks me and points on the seat next to me. I noticed before that Hudson wanted to sit here.

"I don't think so. You can take this seat." I lie. I know it's mean but I'm not feeling good about sitting next to Hudson.

"Well, it's an honor for me to sit right next to you, Ashley." He smiles charmingly and takes the seat. I don't know how to answer that and just smile back.

"So you are from Switzerland, huh? But you don't really look like a Swiss-German...?" Trevor remarks.

"Well, I live in Switzerland but I'm from Turkey." I tell him and notice Hudson looking angrily at us. I'm afraid he can't control his anger.

"Oh, Turkey, interesting. Are all Turkish women this beautiful or is it just you?" He flirts. I hope Hudson didn't hear that. As I turn to see if he is still looking he's already walking towards us. I'm nervous and afraid at the same time. I immediately stand up ready to stop him in case he's going to hit his cousin.

"Trevor, actually this seat was supposed to be mine." He says trying to sound friendly but I can hear his anger clearly.

"Oh, sorry Hudson I didn't know that..." Trevor stands up from the seat.

"No, it's my fault I didn't know that this was your seat, Hudson. So if you want to be next to your cousin then take my seat I want to sit next to Meredith and Camille anyway." I say smiling and walk away before either of them can stop me.

During dinner I make sure that Hudson doesn't say or do something he would regret to Trevor. They used to laugh a lot and be almost like brothers, Meredith told me but Hudson is certainly not in that mood tonight. He's just answering Trevor's questions and that's it. That and glaring at me.

After dinner, Camille, Meredith, and I do all the washing up, but Trevor and Hudson help a bit. When Hudson's dad Carl calls them both out into the living room, I feel more comfortable in the kitchen.

"Ashley, could you bring my father this glass of water, please? I know he's going to call me any second just for this." Meredith grins. Oh ok, well it's not a big deal I guess.

"Sure!" I say and grab the glass of water to head in the living room. As I'm there I see they're watching soccer on TV.

"Carl, I brought you some water. Do you need anything else?" I ask him, ignoring Hudson's and Trevor next to him.

"Could you bring me water too?" Hudson asks looking at me softly. I nod and want to head in the kitchen to get this fool his water.

"Actually, I'd like some too but it's ok, I can get it myself: don't stress yourself." Trevor says charmingly. Aw, that's cute. But when I realize that Hudson heard it, I'm afraid to look at him because I know exactly that he's angry right now. Trevor stands up and walks with me into the kitchen.

Hudson's POV

I think I should tell Trevor about Ashley before it doesn't end well for him. He's flirting a little too much with her but she's making me angrier than he is because she's allowing him to do that.

"I think they are really cute, aren't they? And Trevor also seems to like her." My dad says.

"But she doesn't like him!" I mumble to myself and hit on the table.

"Who does she like then if you know her that well?" My dad asks and I'm stuck because he heard me. 

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