Chapter 41

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Ashley's POV

"That's my friend Hudson! He's from England visiting me and I wanted to introduce him to you and Amar." Kerem saves this situation.

How am I supposed to let my best friend defend my boyfriend and be relieved about it? Wait, did I mention that Hudson was my boyfriend right now? I don't really know if we are a real couple, but I guess we're kind of in a relationship. I mean he came all the way from London to Zurich just because he missed me. And of course, I know he was afraid I would never come back to Hampstead. To be honest, I was afraid too.

"Oh, ok. Nice to meet you, I'm Samir." My brother says and wants to shake Hudson's hand. But he's just staring nervously and looks like he doesn't know what to do, until he smiles and shakes Samir's hand.

"I... Umm, no that's not right." He says and looks worriedly at me after he let's go of Samir's friendly handshake. What is he doing? Kerem just saved us and he does not even leave it a second?

"Sorry?" Samir is confused.

"I'm Hudson, Meredith's brother. And not just that... I'm also here for Ashley." He says honestly to Samir. I can't look at him. Samir is probably going to punch him in the face any second.

"I know. But tell me more later. Now just pretend to be Kerem's friend, because they're going to freak out and I don't think there is any place for more drama here now." Samir whispers and looks around to make sure nobody hears him. Wait, what? How does he know about us?

"So you're not angry?" Hudson hopes desperately.

"Of course I am angry. I'm her brother! But I guess I can't change her mind and just appreciate it." Samir says and we all are relieved.

"Thank you." I say and hug him. I get almost tears but hold it so my mom wouldn't notice.

"Now, come on. We were waiting for you." Samir says after our hug. He's just the most supportive guy I know. I mean yes, Kerem is also supportive, but when a brother allows his sister to date a guy he doesn't even know it's just unbelievable.

My family believed Kerem. They even liked him. Amar and Hudson are the same age so they talked a lot about cars and stuff. Amar has liked talking about cars since he was a kid. All the boys played football or some sport, but not Amar. He used to hang out with one friend whose father worked as a car mechanic. You always found him at his friend's father's garage. I didn't know Hudson liked cars too. But actually, it's obvious because he has a red old timer Mustang and he drives like everybody is in his way. Just like Amar.

"Hudson, you really look familiar. Do you have a brother or something?" Amar asks him. Oh no, I notice Hudson is getting nervous. He just was feeling so good. Why does Amar always have to be this curious?

"I... Umm, yes. I have a younger sister." He stutters. Here we go now. Everybody is staring at him and I know he's getting even more nervous because of all the attention in this room.

"Wait. A younger sister?... Is your sister Meredith Greyback?" He asks him. Oh my gosh, he knows it! I'm dead. I'm totally dead.

"That's his cousin!" Kerem says loudly. He really is a lifesaver. I guess Hudson's nervousness is enormous right now.

"Oh, so you already know Asli?" He asks him.

"Asli?" He's confused. Oh, I didn't tell him my real name.

"Yes, he knows me, but as Ashley." I say, trying to change the subject. It could be possible that they met before Meredith and I did. Hudson's confused look is kind of cute. Oh God! I have to stop adoring him now. It's not really the right situation.

"Wait. No, please stop lying guys. I didn't come here to lie to your family, Ashley. I wanted to meet them and be honest." He stands up and looks at me. They are all are staring at us.

"I'm Meredith's older brother and I'm also in love with Ashley." Hudson says.

Oh God. 

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