Chapter 49

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Hudson's POV

"I'm really sorry about that. I didn't mean to be disrespectful or anything, but it just came over me..." I interrupt him immediately.

"Hudson, I like the way you defend my daughter. That shows me that you really love her and won't let anybody hurt Asli. And I hope you won't hurt her either." He surprises me by saying that.

"Wait, so you aren't angry at me?" I ask, to be sure what he just said.

"No, we're not angry." He answers still with the same annoyed look.

"That means I am allowed to be with your daughter?" I ask, hoping he answers, just like in the scenario I already had in my head.

"For now, yes. But that's still not enough, you'll have prove us more." He says, and I'm halfway relieved.

Osman calls his sons and they immediately show up. I am still surprised about how fast they get up for their father. I smile at Amar as a thank you. And he closes his eyes as a you're welcome and smiles back. Samir shows me a thumbs up and we fist bump.

Later, at noon, Meredith finally shows up. She's been out with Kerem the whole morning Ashley told me. Does he even know about her feelings? You know what: I have to stop thinking about that or Ashley will get frustrated with me.

"Hello, everybody." She says loudly when she enters the house. She walks upstairs and after some minutes she comes into the living room.

"Osman amça, nasil sin?!" She says, surprised when she sees Meredith's father.

"Oho Meredith kizim, Allah sükür iyim sen nasil sin?" He says happily. Like, for real: he just smiled and stood up to hug my sister. But what I wonder even more about is, how didn't I know that Meredith can speak Turkish?

As I see Ashley, I get her attention and try to ask her what they're saying with eye signs. She gets it and says I should look at my phone. Ashley gets hers out and texts me.

*Are you surprised about Meredith's Turkish skills?* She texts and I look at her and nod. She chuckles silently and I smile. I love this view of her.

*What did they say?* I text to her.

*She just asked how he is and he asked her back, nothing more.* She immediately replies.

*I think your father wouldn't mind if you teach me Turkish in future.* I text and smile at her waiting for her reaction. First when she reads it she looks confused, but at least her eyes get wide and she smiles at me.

*Wait, does that mean what I think?* She asks and looks curiously at me.

*Well, kind of. I have the permission for now but still I have to prove myself more. I guess yesterday's talk with your brother helped me a lot.* I text and the smile she smiles at me after she reads that is filled with pride.

"Hudson, do you want to come with us?" Suddenly, Samir asks me. Everyone is looking at me and I don't know what to say.

"Umm... sure, why not?" At last I say, nervously. With no freaking idea where the hell they want to go. When everyone is doing their thing and I don't get much attention, I move my arm against Samir's.

"Where are we even going?" I ask him silently.

"Kerem is around and asked Amar if we want to go out. And I noticed you and Ashley texting so I allowed myself a little joke on you, Abi." He chuckles quietly. I don't understand the last thing he called me but I think that is something good. I heard Ashley call them that a lot.

"You caught me, Samir." I join him and we start to laugh louder so everybody else noticed. Actually, I would normally be annoyed because Kerem is with us but I don't want to get into that today.

"Call me, Abi. That means brother in Turkish." He says proudly. I'm also proud at myself and nod at him as an agreement.

Ashley's POV

When I get upstairs with Meredith after the guys left she immediately closes my bedroom door after we enter. She looks excited and I already know why.

"Tell me what happened!" She says to me.

"I will, but you tell me first!" I counter. She was out with her childhood crush: please! I'm excited too.

"Ok, alright. I will. So, ... We went to the Zurich main station and talked about everything. We even talked a lot about you and Hudson's relationship, and he really supports you guys. And then... I tried to figure out his signs..."

"Which signs?" I ask playfully smiling.

"I don't know. I just tried to understand how I feel and how he feels..."

"Aaaand?" I say curiously.

"Well, I'm not sure, but it seems like he likes me too, but maybe not quite as much as I like him." Meredith says confused. I'm confused too, but Kerem is really hard to read. He's always smiling 24/7 and never gets really annoyed about anything.

"So, you like someone, huh?" My mother enters my room and says playfully.

No way! 

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