Chapter 68

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Hudson's POV

"Wait? What?" I ask. I'm not sure I just heard that right.

"Ugh, I asked... Are you my Baba?" She repeats, annoyed. I don't know how she found out. And I don't know how to answer her. If I tell her the truth Ashley would never forgive me. But if I lie, would Deniz be disappointed?

"Why do you ask me that?" I ask her instead. I try to confuse her so she maybe forgets her question.

"I heard you and Anne talking about me, yesterday." She says. Shit, obviously she heard us talking about our family.

"So you pretended to be asleep, little woman?" I ask playfully.

"No, I was too tired." She giggles. I join her. Deniz is a very smart child. She's way too young to go through all those things by herself. Missing her father and waiting for him to come and stay with her. It's my fault and every minute I feel worse about it. What I did to her is unforgivable.

Deniz hugs me out of nowhere. I first hesitate but then hug her even tighter. Holding her in my arms gives me chills and makes me feel so happy I can't even explain it in words.

"Thank you for coming, Baba. Or should I call you Dad?" She says in my arms and I immediately look at her in shock.

"Um..., well... Call me how you like it the most." I stutter nervously. She is such a genius. I'm not sure if she's 5 or 15.

"Anne always said to me 'your dad' so I want to call you dad." She says happily. I'm genuinely stunned by her. Her confidence and language are totally like her mother's.

"So she talked about me?" I ask curiously. I don't want to use Deniz to tell me that but I'm way too curious.

"Mostly when I asked about you and wanted to hear stories but sometimes she mentioned you. Like when we watched movies together, she told me you did that too with hala Meredith." I even can remember that day like it was yesterday. And as I remember 'hala' means aunt from father's side in Turkish. It's funny how she's learned how to call all her relatives in Turkish.

"Deniz, can you do me a favor and not tell your mother that you know? She probably wanted to tell you later and would be very upset and angry at me." I tell her sadly.

"Oh no, I don't want her to be upset or be angry at you! My lips are sealed." She looks knowingly at me and makes a hand movement like she's zipping her mouth shut. I chuckle at her sign that she is going to keep this a secret and she joins me. I kiss her forehead right after and she smiles happily. That's such a beautiful moment and I don't want it ruined.

Ashley's POV

Hudson said that he has a surprise for only Deniz and me. So now we are getting ready and when Deniz already was dressed she wanted to hang out with Hudson until I'm ready. I'm glad they've become such good friends and I hope it stays like this even after telling her the truth.

The ringing of my phone interrupts my thoughts and I see Samir's calling. I get nervous when I hear him asking me where Deniz is and he recognizes it.

"Asli is there something I should know?" He asks on the phone and I can imagine his angry look at me. I think I should tell him the truth. He will find out anyway.

"Hudson is here." I just leave that and wait for him to yell at me. But there is nothing and I'm unsure if he's still on the phone.

"Samir?" I say.

"I'm here. I was just... emotional. Deniz always asked for her father and I never thought she would ever meet him. Well, not that soon at least." He says sadly. My eyes are filled with tears after his words. But I try to stop myself from crying.

"She doesn't know the truth yet but I wanted to tell her today." I say again, waiting for his reaction.

"Does he know?" He asks, kind of worried.


"I always knew he has a good heart even though he... did all this to you but he sure regrets everything and maybe you could... I don't know... forgive him, one day. He is the father of your child." He stutters, unsure.

"I don't know. He has something to tell me, he said. I hope he won't hurt me again." I say and the tears are falling down my cheeks.

"I don't things can get worse, but I hope everything is going to be fine." He says. Well, my parents will be absolutely livid if they know he's here but Samir won't tell them. He told me give Hudson his greetings and says goodbye.

We are now in Hudson's car. That car we used to drive around when we were out with Meredith. Deniz is very excited to go out with Hudson. They already have such a bond I can't even believe how fast that happened.

"We are close to the surprise." He smiles at Deniz. She wanted to sit on the front seat so I was behind him. He looked in the back mirror all the time and smiled at me. Flashbacks about when we went to the mall come up in my thoughts and then I see the surprise place he's brought us. The Piccadilly Circus. The place we went to when we were all alone and Camille saw us together.

"We are here, Deniz. Do you like it?" He asks her and looks at me.

"Yes!! Anne bak sana!" She tells me to look in Turkish. She's very excited. I smile at her and Hudson parks the car.

There is a Ferris wheel and Deniz is looking at it, stunned. Hudson notices and buys tickets for us. We are looking at the beautiful view together. Like a family. I look at Hudson and how he is showing Deniz places. She looks so happy with him. We look like a happy family.

We get out of the Ferris wheel and walk around when I almost run into a woman and I immediately apologize. As I make eye contact her smile fades.

"Oh my God... Ashley!" She says shocked but I can't tell from where I know her but she looks familiar. Hudson and Deniz are walking hand in hand when they stop to look for me.

"Monika? What are you doing here?" He says shocked too. And when I look more carefully I see her big stomach. She's pregnant.

Oh my God.

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