Chapter 61

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Hudson's POV

Kerem and I stare at each other in shock and I immediately head out.

"Meredith, wait!" I yell while running the downstairs. When I see her I grab her arm so she can't run away again. I notice Kerem's footsteps in the backyard. It was such a stressful moment I can't even remember getting outside.

"Meredith, please wait. I can explain what you just heard." I say. It really sounds like in some movies when guys get caught cheating or something.

"Ok. Explain, Hudson!" She says harshly. And I have to admit I'm unsure what to say. I don't want to make her even more upset. She would tell Ashley anyway so I better think before I talk.

"Monika texted me days ago because she thought Ashley and I had broken up. But I told her we're marrying so she was livid. I was in a bad mood that day that's all. She didn't do anything but I'm afraid if she texts again, that 'll get in a bad mood again." I lie. She shouldn't know the real reason. I don't want her to worry about Ashley.

"She just texted you? Do you think I'm dumb? She won't leave just with a text. She's crazy. She needs fucking therapy!" Meredith almost yells. If she only knew.

"Stay silent before someone hears you," Kerem says to her. Surprisingly he's ok with me lying to her. I guess he knows just like me that she would tell Ashley.

Meredith promises to not tell Ashley about it but I'm not sure whether she will really keep quiet. I guess she listens to Kerem a lot. I'm an overprotective brother but Kerem has become a close friend of mine so I don't mind at all.

Hours later Ashley and I finally meet at the mosque. Actually, it doesn't look like a mosque at all. On the left is a second-hand shop and on the right some Turkish restaurant. It has those kebabs Ashley and I once ate for dinner. It's their traditional food and it's delicious. Everyone here eats it she says.

When I see Ashley coming out of Amar's car I hardly recognize her. She looks completely different and then I realize she has an Islamic robe on. All in dark red. Her hijab, her dress, and even her lipstick. She has a lot more makeup on than usual on but I still like it on her. She's just breathtaking.

"Wow... A-Ashley. You look... Wow!" I'm almost speechless. She flushes at my reaction and lets out a shy giggle.

"Thank... you, Hudson. You look handsome too." She says nervously smiling. I smile back and rub my neck.

"Let's get started you little romantic beans!" Meredith says and destroys our moment low key. Like she always does.

In the mosque, the imam says many things but mostly in Arabic. It isn't even that long after that we finally go outside again after our families have taken thousands of pictures and congratulated us. Now we're officially married according to Islam. I can't even believe it.

I once asked Kerem how this works and he told me that if there is ever a divorce we don't have to go to the mosque again and we're allowed to finally have sexual intercourse. But I couldn't ask him if it's bad if we already had it. Because he doesn't know we had and I don't know if Ashley wants me to tell him that. But she never told me she can't so I guess it's not a problem if we did. I'm just afraid her family might find out.

We actually had our first-time last week so I guess she wanted to do it near the Islamic wedding date so her parents can't find out it was before, if they ever do.

My parents organized a dinner to celebrate our wedding and invited Ashley's whole family and friends. She also invited my whole family from England to the official wedding next week. I've never felt this happy in my entire life. I think it's going to be perfect.

Ashley's POV

One week. We've been married for one week now. I mean, according to Islamic tradition but still, for me we are married already. I can't wait for our wedding tomorrow. Meredith and I already bought my wedding dress. It's just unbelievable. It's heart-shaped on top and has a lot of glitter. It's very long in the back but long enough in the front so I can walk easily. It was very expensive but there are real diamonds in it. My high heels are just plain white because nobody can see my feet anyway. They're not even so high because I wouldn't be able to walk on them for long if they were. And I made an appointment with the stylist. I hope nothing is going to become a mess. It's my day! I want it to be perfect of course.

I woke up feeling unwell and minutes later I had to vomit. I hope I won't get sick. Meredith comes into the bathroom.

"Sweetie? Are you ok?" She asks worriedly. Meredith immediately grabs my ponytail.

"Yes, it's ok. Maybe I just ate something bad yesterday." I say still sitting in front of the toilet.

"Honey, are you maybe...?" She doesn't end the sentence but I know exactly what she means.

"No, I don't think so. We have prevented every time." I say but a hidden voice in my head asks the same question.

"When have you done it at least?" She asks worriedly.

"Almost one week ago. And that was the second time. It can't be, Meredith. Don't scare me!" I say and stand up rapidly to go to my room. She follows me and closes the door after we arrived.

"I don't want to scare you. I'm just worrying. But actually, you shouldn't be worried at all. You are a trained childcare worker. You should love kids!" She says trying to calm me.

"I do love them but that doesn't mean I want children already. I first want to enjoy life with my lovely husband." I say and we both giggle.

The whole day was just stressful organizing the wedding. But finally, the day has come. The day I've been waiting for all this time. Our wedding day.

I get myself ready and go to the stylist's early in the morning. After several hours I look so different and full of makeup on my face. My hair is tied up. But differently tied up like an actual bride. I am a bride! I still can't believe that I'm a bride.

When I get at home I see Camille in the living room. And as I want to say hi and surprise her and Meredith with my look I see Damon sitting next to her.

"Oh my Gosh! I'm so happy you both came!" I scream with happiness and Camille jumps up surprised to hug me tight.

"I can't believe how gorgeous you look!" Camille yells back and Meredith shows the same reaction. Damon is shy as always but I hug him anyway. I forgot about their relationship but I'm so glad they came together.

After hours of girls' talk and getting ready, the time has come to get to the wedding hall. I'm nervous but also excited. I can't wait to see Hudson. But as I get in every one of his family is stressing. Nobody knows why except Kerem. He looks like he knows something but doesn't tell. When he sees me he immediately walks towards me and grabs my wrist. We walk out of the hall and he still looks serious. I feel something bad. Very bad. As he finally stops when we're alone and breaks the silence.

"Hudson's gone missing." He says and my heart stops beating.

I see black. 

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