Chapter 30

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Ashley's POV

We are both shocked and move away from each other when Meredith speaks. As we look at her she's still with eyes closed. Hudson looks at me and tries to hold back a laugh then I realize Meredith is sleep talking. I have to suppress a laugh too and hope we both don't crack up.

Even though we were about to kiss I feel comfortable right now. I don't think the first kiss with him was a mistake. I really enjoyed it, but I won't ever tell Hudson that.

"Are you still angry at me?" Hudson asks worriedly. He doesn't deserve forgiveness from me, but I don't know how he does it. I feel so bad when I see him worried.

I shake my head as a no and smile. He starts smiling back and looks away in relief. I recognize his dimples and smile even more. Hudson is adorable when he smiles.

Hudson's POV

I wish Meredith would have just kept her mouth shut and we could have kissed again. But anyway I'm glad she's not cross with me anymore. When she smiles at me, I feel the heat coming up in me. That's how she makes me feel just with a simple smile. I look away so I stop myself from kissing her again. I notice she's still staring at me, but I act like I don't recognize it.

When the movie is over and we've finally tidied everything up we wake Meredith and I carry her into her room. Ashley opens the door for me and I leave her on her bed. When I walk to the door I turn to face Ashley again.

"Sweet dreams." That's all I said and wait for her to say something. She looks a little... disappointed? Did she want me to stay? Cause actually I would love to spend more time with her.

"You too." She says. Well, it's not the first time I got rejected by her. She's way too scared but she already has feelings for me I know that. She wouldn't have kissed me back if she didn't like me too.

She closes the door and I go to my bedroom. The next morning, I want to go to the bathroom but catch her sneaking out of it. I guess Ashley just took a shower. She is wearing a towel around her body and has wet hair but even like that she looks good. Ashley jumps when she sees me. I have to hide a smile.

"Good morning." I say, all friendly.

"Good morning." She smiles nervously back. I walk towards the bathroom door while she's still standing there. I notice she's getting more nervous because of me. I know this is mean, but I walk even closer to her until our chests touch. I touch her hips with my left hand. She nervously holds her hands on her chest.

"Sorry." I whisper into her ear and walk into the bathroom. When I get in she immediately runs into Meredith's room and I chuckle. I meet Meredith in the lobby when I get out from the bathroom.

"Hudson, I have to talk to you." She says seriously. Oh shit, she knows!

"I have a school camp this week where I have to be present and Mom and Dad are staying at Aunt Emmie's house in Hampshire. So I have to leave Ashley alone here... Could you please take care of her and make sure she doesn't get bored?" Meredith asks and smiles nervously. Wow, what a relief. Wait, what?

"We're alone here? How long?" I ask.

"One week..?" She says nervously. Perfect.

"Sure. When do you leave?" I make sure just to know when I'll finally have time with Ashley alone.


"Tomorrow already?" I say with a shocked voice and regret it. I hope she didn't get it wrong. Or right.

"Yes. Why? Do you have any plans?" She asks, worriedly.

"No. I just thought it's so soon, that's all." I get myself out of this mess.

"Oh ok, then. Thanks a lot big brother. I love you." She hugs me tight. Thanks to you.

"You're welcome. Can you please ease your arms around me? I can't breathe!" I say. She immediately let's go of me.

"Oh sorry too tight?" She apologizes.

"No, too much perfume." I playfully say and chuckle. She looks shocked and punches my arm. She goes into her room and I am stuck with my mind full of being alone with Ashley. Finally, we can hang out and have fun without being disturbed. As I am thinking about what we can do I hear Meredith through her door telling Ashley about her camp. Ashley first sounds upset at her for leaving, but I guess they're hugging right after Meredith apologizes to her.

"Oh, you know what? Let's ask Camille and Trevor if they'll come to stay with you." I hear Meredith say.

No, please not them! 

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