Chapter 73

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Hudson's POV

There he is. In front of my door and I finally realize he has flowers in his hands.

"What are you doing here?" I snap.

"Umm- I, uhh didn't know you were here, Hudson. What's... up?" He stutters nervously. I enjoy his fear of me but still, I'm just too angry. I don't talk but just scowl.

"Trevor! Hello." Ashley greets him. What is going on? Trevor smiles back at her and hands her the sunflowers he's been holding.

"Flowers for the sun." He flirts with her. She just smiles awkwardly and I know from that look that she doesn't like him back. I turn to Kerem and he's already laughing at me.

"Did I miss something or what is he doing here?" I mumble angrily.

"Are you jealous?" Kerem playfully chuckles. I frown at him.

"You are jealous!" He almost says out loud and chuckles even louder. I make a sign that he should be quiet but he doesn't care.

Ashley's POV

"Why did this guy show up? Sorry, Meredith." Defne asks, annoyed. We're preparing drinks for the guys in the kitchen while Hudson's parents are out.

"He still has a crush on Ashley. I saw Hudson's face... he almost killed him at the door." Meredith whispers and giggles right afterwards. Defne joins in but I don't have a good feeling. I know Hudson was always jealous when Trevor showed up. Flashbacks of our date come back to me and I have to smile about his jealousy and silly ideas.

"Obviously she's thinking about Hudson right now." Defne says and I come back to reality. Meredith and her chuckle and I join in with them this time.

Before I bring some snacks to the living room I briefly look at Deniz. She's sitting right next to Hudson and suddenly grabs his arm. He looks down at her and they both smile at each other.

I dreamed of this kind of moment since she was four and asked for the first time about her father. In Kindergarten all the children had a father but she didn't. That's when I started going out with Trevor but first just as friends. Then he developed feelings for me and I reduced the meetings. Kerem and Meredith call them dates but I don't want to call them this.

"Deniz, if you're tired then you'd better go and lie down upstairs, sweetheart." Trevor says to her and Hudson immediately looks angry at him.

"No, I want to stay here with my dad." Deniz says and I immediately start crying. This time, it's tears of happiness.

"Oh... so she knows then..." Trevor turns to Kerem next to him.

"Yes. She knows." Hudson glares. An awkward silence is in the living room and I don't know if I should interrupt it but Meredith pushes me a little from behind. I move forward and then straight to the quiet guys.

"Anne, can you and dad bring me to bed later, like last time?" Deniz asks and I notice her winking with her right eye to Hudson. He gets red just like me.

"Umm... sure, Birtanem." I answer and try to avoid eye contact with Trevor. I feel bad for giving him hope in us. I didn't do it on purpose but still, I feel bad.

Trevor doesn't stay long. He probably understood that it's bad timing and this had become very awkward. He leaves after less than an hour and Hudson and I bring Deniz to bed. She must've had a bad dream again and woke up. Whenever she has a nightmare she'll wake up and won't sleep until she's forgotten about her dream. I always get worried when this happens.

When Hudson and I get out of the room he looks upset with me. One hour ago he kissed me now he's angry?

"What's wrong?" I ask. He looks deeply into my eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me you were dating guys? Especially my cousin Trevor??" He almost yells and I make a sign to be quiet.

"Psh, you're going to wake her up again!!" I whisper angrily.

"Answer my question, Ashley. Why?" He asks very seriously.

"I didn't date anybody. I just met Trevor sometimes as a friend, not more.

"As a friend? Does he know this?" Hudson asks sarcastically like this question is already answered in his mind.

"I didn't mention it... but he noticed for sure." I defend him and myself.

"I hope for him." He threatens.

"Why? Are you my boyfriend or something?" I ask angrily. But as soon as I say it, I regret it. I think of rushing downstairs before he answers my question. I'm afraid he's going to say something hurtful like always when he's hurt. I walk away from him but before I even can catch the first stair he holds me.

I can feel the shudder behind my bag. 

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