Chapter 36

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Ashley's POV

I wake up when the sun shines into my eyes. I sob when I realize that I'm in my room in Zurich. As I stand up my mother enters my room.

"Asli! How could you do this to your father?! He wanted the best for you and you just ran away! You're not my daughter, you're a monster!" She cries and yells. Wait. What?

"Dad, no!!" I wake up frightened and look around as I realize I'm in Meredith's room and that was just a nightmare. I guess Hudson heard me scream because he enters the door quickly as is he'd been running.

"Ashley! Is everything ok?" He says immediately worried. I nod.

"It was just a nightmare," I say and he breathes in relief. When I notice I was sweating Hudson comes right up to my bed and comforts me.

"I should take a shower," I say after this moment and he lets go of me. Hudson makes our breakfast while I take a shower and when I go downstairs to eat with him I see a very romantically decorated table. He put some roses in a vase and sausages placed in a heart shape. I finally smile when I see him coming to the balcony to join me.

"Hey, how are you now?" He asks worriedly.

"I'm fine thank you. I mean it also for the beautiful breakfast." I thank him. And he smiles back. He comes towards me.

"I know the whole thing with your dad is blowing your mind so I thought a romantic breakfast would be a little help to distract you." He says and I can see that he means it in his pretty green-blue eyes.

"Thank you for being here for me," I say and hug him. He probably didn't expect me to hug him and hesitates for a moment. Then he hugs me back. We sit down and eat. Hudson and I talk a lot and it's really fun. But I still don't feel good about my dad. I guess the best thing I can do is going back to Switzerland. I have to see my dad.

"Hudson I think I'm going to have to go back home," I say to him.

"What? How? Your parents will not let you come back to England and marry you off immediately." He worries. And he's right.

"I know, but my dad..."

"I know how you're feeling. And I admit I'm just being a little selfish to not want to let you go. I mean, we just started our week together and I don't want to lose you already." He says sadly.

"Hudson, I will come back. And I won't marry anybody until I find out whether this works out." I grab his hand to comfort him a little.

"Ok, fine. But fly tomorrow so we can spend our last day together." He says.

"Not our very last day..."

"I know. I know." He says and I smile.

After breakfast, we decide to go to Piccadilly Circus. I've never been there before and I saw many pictures on the internet about how fascinating it is. Hudson would go anywhere just to be alone with me and happy. I must admit this is going to be a very exciting first date with him. I think it's a date. I can't really be sure until he says it is. But I don't want to ask and risk getting disappointed and make us uncomfortable.

I don't know what to wear and sit desperately in front of my closet. As someone is knocking on my door. I stand up excited and open like I don't know who it is. As Hudson stands behind the door he looks ready to go and I feel bad because I'm not ready.

"I'm sorry I don't know what to wear..." I apologize. Hudson smiles and enters the room. He walks towards my closet. As he looks for something to wear he grabs out a white dress patterned with purple little flowers. It isn't very short I guess and goes up to my knees. It has wide sleeves down to my elbows. A little bit like the old days. I like this dress because it's one of a kind. My aunt gave it to me after she got her first child and couldn't fit into it.

"I like this one." He smiles and hands me the dress. I've never worn it because I didn't know if it would look good on me but I could try.

"Ok. Thank you." I smile back and he leaves the room so I can change.

When we arrive at Piccadilly Circus it's even better than on the internet. As I look around fascinated, Hudson grabs my hand to hold it. I look at my hand and then at him. He looks nervous until I smile and hold it tight and sneak my fingers between his. I feel like we're in a real relationship. I never was before.

As we walk, we see an ice cream parlour. And I think Hudson sees how excited I got when I saw it so he stops there and gets us some ice cream. It's so hot outside so the ice cream tastes even better. Hudson puts me some ice cream on my nose and I do the same to him. We laugh so much while cleaning our noses up with the tissues I have in my bag. And then he holds me tight and kisses me randomly. I am surprised but I kiss him back. I love random kisses from him. I don't even know why but it gives me butterflies in my stomach.

"Ashley? Hudson?" A woman's voice says. We stop kissing and look who called us.

Oh no. Camille. 

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