Chapter 40

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Hudson's POV

I love her. I love Ashley so much.

When she told me she loves me I was stuck. I never thought she would feel it. I didn't say it because I thought it's maybe too early and I would scare her away. Now I feel so stupid that I didn't even tell her at the airport.

After one night thinking all about how I messed it up I decided to follow her. What could be more Romantic than following the woman I want to her home country and tell her I love her? As I arrive at Zurich airport, I remember that I don't even know where Ashley lives. So I decide to call Meredith and ask her. It sounds really random when I ask her and she is also curious. I tell her that I'm in a hurry and I'll tell her later. I guess in the end I won't tell her, but Ashley will.

When I call a Uber and tell the driver her address he says something in Swiss-German. The Uber driver recognizes that I didn't understand him so he doesn't say anything and just drives me there.

Ashley's place is beautiful. She lives near Lake Zurich and it's amazing here. Hampstead is the opposite of this. Now I understand how hard it must have been for Ashley but when we went to Piccadilly Circus she was alive. As I arrive at her house I get out of the Uber and see her. I feel so glad to see her instead of one of her brothers. But the second I see that guy with her I am lost.

"Hudson?" Ashley says and smiles. My eyes are glued to the guy that is staring at me too. Ashley runs towards me and hugs me tightly.

"What are you doing here? Have you lost your mind?" She says but I just hug her even tighter. I missed her so much. I could say it right now. Just tell her I love her. But who the fuck is this guy with her? She looks at me and then to that guy again.

"Kerem, this is Hudson!" She says to him. Wait. That guy who is going to marry her. What the hell is Ashley doing with him outside at this time? Kerem walks towards us and Ashley moves away from me.

"Nice to meet you, Hudson. I'm Kerem, Ashley's friend, but don't worry, she's all yours." He chuckles and Ashley joints in. Good for him. But I have to admit he seems nice to me. I smile and nod as a hello.

"Why are you here?" Ashley asks me. I can't tell if she's happy or worried about me.

"I missed you." I say but I also want to tell her I love her, but Kerem is here and I want to be alone with her. She flushes and hugs me again. I guess she won't kiss me in front of anybody. That's how she always behaves anyway. I won't kiss her either because she would get mad at me and I'm a little nervous about her family's reaction.

"So I'll go if you won't need me anymore." Kerem interrupts our moment.

"No, wait. How am I supposed to tell my family about you? They're going to be insanely angry. And I don't know if Amar would hold his anger back." Ashley says and looks at Kerem and then back to me.

"Should I come in with you?" Kerem asks. Oh, of course, he won't leave that easily.

"That would be good. Maybe they would ease their minds because you're present." Ashley tells us, as if she's talking about angry bulls or something. I know her family is very strict, but I didn't think that she would plan to introduce me like this. Or I guess she never planned to introduce me, because she was not sure if we would ever work out well.

We agree on this way and finally walk in. Ashley walks in first, then I follow and then Kerem. I'm getting really nervous right now. As Samir comes into the hallway, he hugs Ashley and Kerem but then stares at me weirdly. Ashley told me she's close with Samir but I don't think she seems that close to have told him about us.

"And you are..?" He asks and means me. Kerem and Ashley are looking worried. And I can't say a word because of my nervousness.


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