Chapter 28

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Ashley's POV

He kissed me. Hudson really just kissed me! I can't believe this is my first kiss. Actually, I thought my first kiss would be perfect. Like somewhere in a beautiful park when we exchange "I love yous". But this is nothing I expected or even wanted.

To be honest, I like the way he kisses me gently but with lust and I automatically kiss him like this too. As I realize what we're doing I'm angry at him, I push him away and walk immediately out of his room. I enter Meredith's room but I don't know if I should mention this to her.

"Ashley? Why were you so cross with Hudson? What happened?" When she asks, I have a blackout and don't know how to answer that. It's as if I forgot my anger at him and even why I actually was angry.

"Ashley, are you ok?" Meredith says caringly and walks towards me. I'm still stuck at the door with her dress and high heels on.

"I-I'm just really tired. Can I just tell you later about it? I'm sorry." I say and finally can move to the bed.

"Of course." She says worriedly.

"It's nothing you have to worry about." I try to ease her mind. She just nods and tries to smile.

"He's really charming." I say after we wore our pajamas and lied on the bed.

"Right, isn't he! Now, do you want to tell me what happened?" Meredith asks curiously.

"Well, first we had fun and got really to know us but then... Hudson spied on us." I tell her.

"He did what? That's why he stormed up to his room when he arrived at home though." She starts to laugh and I can't but laugh with her.

"Yeah, he told Trevor about my arranged marriage." I say and she immediately looks shocked.

"He did what?!" She says again but angrily. I tell her everything about the date until I entered the house. Meredith switches from angry to shocked to romantic and angry again.

"I can't believe this really happened. My brother is a jerk." She says.

"Totally." I say and remember our kiss. When I realize that I'm smiling I shake my head to get rid of this thought.

"What's happening?" She smiles playfully.

"Nothing, I just was daydreaming. I want to rest my mind. Let's watch a film." I nervously change the subject.

"Oh, we can't because Hudson has the DVD player but I can try with my laptop." She stands up and gets her laptop from her closet. As she tries to connect her laptop with the internet it doesn't work. Meredith tries to put on a DVD, but it doesn't play. Well, no movie night for me then.

"I'm sorry. It doesn't work." She apologizes. I remember putting my After books in my bags before I left home so I think I'm going to ease my mind with this.

"No problem, I can also read my book anyway. I bought the whole After series in English." I say proudly.

"Oh wow, I already read it in German that's enough for me." Meredith laughs and I laugh with her. She actually doesn't read books, but I gave her the "After" series in German I own and she liked it.

"I know it's late, but I want to take a shower." She stands up and grabs her towel behind the door.

"It's ok. I'm going to read my book anyway." I say and she leaves the room and shuts the door.

I love to read this book. The film of the first book is already out but I haven't seen it. I don't even know the look of the cast. And I don't want to know it, actually. I like the bad boy Hardin but if there is an ugly actor playing his role I won't be able to read the books anymore. I know that's very dumb of me but I just can't.

Meredith doesn't know there is a film because she wouldn't have read the books if I told her there was a film. I'm reading the third book now. I already read the first two books in English. And now there is Tessa getting cross with Hardin as always and waiting for him to enter her room and apologize to her. As I read that Hardin finally enters Tessa's, room the door opens. I immediately jump and move my head to see who it is. Hudson. 

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