Chapter 18

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Hudson's POV

"NO!" I yell at Meredith. Ashley seems frightened but to be honest I'm scared too. It's not that we did something bad, but it looks like we did.

"Ok, ok chill. I just wanted to ask you if you've seen Ashley anywhere." She says annoyed. Well, yes I do see her right now actually.

"I just woke up, Meredith." I say. I'm not lying. I just don't mention what I know. Ashley is staring at me, frozen. I hope she's breathing and I'm not kidding right now. She looks really scared.

"Then I'm going to look for her. Maybe she just went to the kitchen or so." Meredith thinks out loud and I hear her steps walking away from the door and downstairs. Ashley breaths out in relief and so do I. That was very close.

"I'd better go now." She whispers and leaves the room. I wave and smile shyly at her, but she still seems shocked about this. I think of helping her out, but I'm sure she'll have a little story about why she was gone for a moment.

When she leaves my room I turn around and see the mess we made yesterday. While cleaning the stuff, I remember the night with her. The movie I chose was the only romantic comedy I knew that doesn't have any intimate scenes where Ashley and I could feel uncomfortable. It was funny as well so we laughed a lot. Sometimes I caught myself staring at Ashley and realized that I adore her beautiful smile.

There were some moments where we didn't listen to the movie because it was a boring scene and then we talked about us. She told me about her brothers. Amar is the older and serious one while Samir is younger and funnier. I asked her about that guy she has to marry and I could see how she immediately got uncomfortable but she still answered my question. I know I'm a jerk for asking this, but I didn't overthink that. She said his name is Kerem and he was her best friend in school. Ashley loves him like a brother but she's still glad that it's not another guy she has to marry. I don't know why but I don't feel good about Ashley marrying a guy she does not love. I guess I shouldn't mind. Anyway, It's not my business at all.

When I've finished cleaning up, I put on a shirt and walk down to the kitchen. My mom actually calls me when breakfast is ready but when I arrive in the kitchen I see all of them eating on the balcony. I join them but don't show that I got a little mad.

I ask my mother again whether I could help with the dishes and she says that Ashley is going to help her too. I don't know why but I got even more motivated to help. My mom decides to rest a little and we do all the washing up. As we are in the kitchen we do the same thing as last time but we stay silent.

"I'm sorry for not helping you to clean up the mess we made yesterday." She breaks the silence.

"It doesn't matter. I saw you were a little shocked and I understand it. There wasn't even much to do." I say, so she doesn't have to feel sorry about it.

"Well, then I thank you for the night. I really had fun hanging out with you." She says and turns to face me. Her dark blue eyes sparkle from the sunlight shining through the window.

"I have to thank you. You made this night better with your presence." I say smiling, or maybe I'm flirting a little. But I mean what I say. She shyly smiles back and I almost forget where we are as Meredith steps into the kitchen and startles Ashley and I.

"Here: the rest from the table." She holds out some plates.

"What? Did I miss something?" She says after realizing our awkward reaction.

"No, why?" Ashley asks. I can hear how nervous she is.

"Nothing, you just seem so awkward, like last time. Has something happened between you two? Wait, please don't tell me you had a fight." She says and glares at me.

"No, we didn't have a fight." I explain and my voice sounds nervous.

"Oh, so the opposite? Like you two like each other?" Meredith smiles playfully. It seems like she doesn't have any problem with that.

"Meredith, could you please stop?" Ashley says annoyed. Why is she getting worked up about it? I mean, not that we like each other but I don't like her reaction either.

"Ok, I'm sorry hun. You know me: I like to mess around but I don't mean to hurt you." Meredith apologizes and hugs her. Ashley immediately softens and then after this Meredith leaves the kitchen.

"Why were you acting cross?" I ask, a little hurt. Ashley turns to face me but with a harsh look. Different than before Meredith came and destroyed this.

"Hudson, you know I'm going to marry Kerem." She says harshly.

"Yes, I know. It was just a joke." I say, but I feel a little relieved that Meredith wouldn't mind if something like this were to happen. I'm just hurt that she's getting married, I admit.

"Yes, but I'm afraid that something like this would happen and then the joke is not a joke anymore!" She almost yells. Does that mean she has feelings for me?

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