Chapter 20

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Ashley's POV

"Uhm... He's a friend of mine. Yeah, I asked Meredith if we meet a guy I know here in London." I lie. He's not saying anything and I'm unsure if he's still on the phone.

"Hudson?" I ask.

"I'm here. Please come home it's getting late and I need my car." He snaps and hangs up the phone. What happened now?

"Who were you talking to?" Meredith asks while I'm walking back to them.

"Hudson..." I answer her question unsure if I should mention the lie.

"Oh... I guess he needs his car." She says and turns to her friends to hug them goodbye.

"It was so nice to meet you guys. I hope we can see each other again soon." I say to them and mean it. They are very nice and funny.

"Sure we will!" Camille smiles and hugs me tightly. I wanted to wave at Damon as he came near to hug me. I allowed it now but I should probably tell him someday if we meet again that I don't like hugs from guys. I'm not against men's gender but I'm just not very comfortable with it and Meredith thinks it's because I never had a boyfriend before.

She's probably right but it's going to stay like this. I mean I'm going to marry Kerem in a few years anyway so I don't need some boyfriend just to blow my mind and get into more trouble with my family than I'm already in right now.

As we drive home, I tell her about my lie and she's relieved. Hudson didn't know about Damon because of Camille. If her family finds out that she's hanging out with a boy she will get into trouble, so she has to hide it from Hudson. He hangs out with Camille's older brother Trevor a lot so I think this might be not a very good thing for Hudson to know.

I found out that Camille and Damon are not a couple, but that she has a crush on him. Damon isn't sure if he has a crush on her, so that's why they aren't dating each other. I thought that though. Meredith always tries to match-make, but she's still single herself. She had a boyfriend in high school, but they fought a lot and he was a total asshole. He changed his girlfriends like underwear, but she fell for him anyway. They broke up after about a year and since then she hasn't had a boyfriend again.

When we arrive home Hudson is waiting for us in the living room. He looks angrily at us and I wonder why. Was my lie not good enough to believe? I guess yes. I'm not a good liar like Meredith. She lies like it's the truth and it always sounds realistic. But I always know when she lies because she told me her tricks.

"Where were you? I needed my car hours ago!" Hudson yells at Meredith. Obviously, their parents aren't around because he never yells at her when they are here, Meredith told me.

"We were with Camille and a friend of Ashley. What's your problem?" She says very chilled out.

"Who's that friend?" He says harshly but still not yelling.

"We know each other from a long time ago." I say in between. I don't want Meredith to be the liar at the end when the truth comes out someday. Hudson turns to face me and I think there is jealously in his look.

"So you're so close with him that you had to introduce him to Meredith?" He says. Yes, obviously jealous.

"Mind your own business!" Meredith yells and grabs my wrist to drag me upstairs with her. And when we arrive at her room she lets go.

"What was that? He never acts like this..." Meredith thinks out loud.

"I... don't know. But never mind he'll get over it." I try to let her go. I don't want her to realize he is acting jealous. I know this. I know this look in his face because he did the same when he asked about Kerem and made me almost tell how I feel. Not that I feel something for him, but I have to admit that I could develop feelings.

"Ok, you're right! Let's just watch a movie or something." She says and I agree and head to the bathroom. As I go to enter I see Hudson coming upstairs and he stops me.

"Can we talk?" He says looking deeply into my eyes.

"Why?" I say ignoring the fact that he looks handsome when he's serious.

"Us." He says and before I can say anything he grabs my arm and drags me into his bedroom. He lets go of my wrist and turns to lock the door.

"What the hell are you doing?" I say angrily but quiet so nobody can hear us.

"Do you have a crush on someone?" He asks seriously looking at me.

"W-What? You locked us in your room for this? Seriously Hudson?" I say trying to ignore his question. I know he's going to push me for an answer but I have to buy myself time to think carefully before I say something stupid. I don't have a crush on anybody right now, but he probably thinks this because of Damon's voice in the background of our phone conversation.

"Ashley answer my question please."

"Why do you mind about who I have a crush on?" I still try to buy time. He suddenly looks like he's afraid of something, but it changes into a soft look. He walks towards me and I walk in the same rhythm, stepping backwards and away from him. I feel the wall against my back and I'm stuck. I stand nervously against the wall while Hudson is still coming towards me until our faces are inches apart.

"Because I have feelings for you."

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