Chapter 7

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Ashley's POV

I stand up from the bed and he does the same. I remember that I have my pajamas on and feel a little embarrassed.

"Your house?" I say with a confused look. I am very confused. Who's this guy yelling at me that I'm in his house?

"Yes, exactly: my house! Who are you?" He snaps. Then I figured out what is happening. Meredith once told me about her elder brother who lives in Washington, D.C. It's probably him, but why didn't she tell me?

"I... I'm Ash-... Ashley... Meredith's best friend from Switzerland." I stutter. I'm very nervous, but I don't know why.

"What are you doing in my room Ashley?" He frowns. Why is he so unsympathetic? Meredith told me she loves him because he's the nicest guy she knows. This guy doesn't seem nice to me at all.

"Meredith said I could sleep in this room. She didn't tell me that her brother would be coming tonight." I say harshly and cross my arms over my chest.

"Well, she didn't know I'm coming, because I wanted to surprise the family. But now I feel more surprised that she lets a stranger sleep in my room without my permission." He snaps. Excuse me? A stranger?

"I told you who I am. So, I'm not a stranger. But don't blame Meredith! You wanted to surprise them and they weren't ready for your arrival." I say now, a little more friendly. I don't want to fight with him because Meredith and her parents are still sleeping. He stares at me from head to toe but doesn't say a word anymore.

"You didn't tell me your name...?" I break the awkward silence.

"I'm Hudson." He says. He's talking a lot nicer to me now. Hudson? I can't remember Meredith ever telling me his name, but I heard it from somewhere. Maybe I heard it on TV or something.

"Nice to meet you, Hudson." I smile and hold out my hand to greet him. I don't want to fight with the brother of my best friend. And by the way, he's kind of good-looking.

"Nice to meet you too, Ashley." He shakes my hand and smiles. Wow, I admit he has a handsome smile. Wait, no. Stop. I can't say the brother of my best friend is handsome. That would be awkward. Hudson lets go of my hand and I come back to reality.

Hudson's POV

I woke up with this weird girl beside me and find out it's Meredith's best friend. The one time I want to surprise the family, she invites her friend and she even sleeps in my room. Gosh, Meredith! But while I'm staring at her I realize how cute she is. Meredith is 20 so she's probably 20 too. She said her name is Ashley and she's from Switzerland, but she doesn't look Swiss-German at all. She has dark brown curled hair and tan skin but ocean blue eyes.

Woah, wait. No, she's the best friend of my younger sister! I can't say she's pretty. That would be awkward. But that doesn't mean I can't ask her where she's from, right?

"Where are you from other than Switzerland?" I finally ask.

"I'm from Turkey. I've just lived in Switzerland since I was born." She answers with a smile. Now everything makes sense.

"So, you met Meredith in Zurich?" I ask. I probably shouldn't ask her so much. She seems a little tired.

"Yes, we were even in the same class from middle school onwards," Ashley says proudly.

"Oh cool," I say a little nervous. I don't even know why I'm nervous yet.

"Yup." She says uncomfortably.

"You seem to be tired. D'you wanna go to sleep?" I ask and regret it. Where should she go to sleep though? With me on my bed or what?

"Yeah, actually I am tired, but you can sleep in your bed, don't worry. I'm going to Meredith's room," she says and is on her way to the door. Before I breathe out in relief, she turns around to face me.

"Where is her room?" She shyly asks. It seems like it's her first night here.

"The next-door left," I answer and show directions with my index finger.

"Oh, ok thank you." She says and walks out of my room. After she closes the door behind her I lie on my bed and see her phone on my nightstand. I hope she doesn't come back to get it. Ok, no, to be honest, I kind of hope she'll come back, but she doesn't. 

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