Chapter 24

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Hudson's POV

"What? Why?" I try to sound chilled. Did she just really asked me if I would give Trevor's number to Ashley? Oh no, I won't!

"Hudson, don't tell me you didn't see the chemistry between them." Meredith smiles playfully at Ashley. I can see she's worried how I'm going to react to this.

"No." I say harshly now.

"Well, then never mind: just give her his number." Meredith says.

"I said no." I frown. As I leave Meredith annoys me.

"What why not? He probably is going to ask you to him her number anyway." Meredith says.

"Meredith, shut up." Ashley whispers to her so I can't hear but I did. I leave the room hoping that Meredith isn't right.

Since I can remember, Trevor and I have been like brothers. We help each other and hang out a lot. Once in school, he liked a girl in my class and I tried to help him by talking to her about him. I wasn't allowed to mention his name, so I just said "a friend" all the time. Because she adored the things I told her about Trevor, I asked her if she would go on a date with him. She said yes, so I told her when and where. When she went on the date and saw Trevor she was disappointed. She thought I was talking about myself in the third person just to sound charming. Actually, I realized only after she told me that it had really sounded like she'd thought. Trevor was pretty angry at me and we didn't talk for days. After I apologized for the hundredth time, he finally talked to me and we promised to never let a woman get between us.

I like Ashley. I really do and even if we promised and I'm being selfish I just don't want them to have a thing. I just hope he isn't interested in her. A few hours later Trevor sends me a message.

*Hey, buddy. I want to ask you something.*

Oh no. He's still typing.

*Can you give me Ashley's number?*

I'm so angry at him. No, I'm angry at myself. I should have told him about my feelings for her first. But I'm going to answer this question in another way. I ignore his texts and call him instead.

"Hello, Hudson?" He answers his phone quickly.

"Trevor, I called you to tell you something important you should know about her." I say and he agrees by listening.

"Ashley is not going to be here forever you know and when she goes back to Switzerland she has responsibilities. That means she's going to marry someone her family chose for her." I explain and hope this will help to keep him away from Ashley.

"Oh, I understand. She is probably very upset about it." He says. I didn't see this reaction coming but I guess this should be good.

"Yes, so I think there is no chance for you Trevor. I'm really sorry." I say not really meaning it. Suddenly, I hear someone entering my room.

"Hudson, who are you talking about?" Ashley says angrily. Fuck.

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