Chapter 14

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Ashley's POV

I silently go towards Hudson and hold my hand on his mouth to close it. Our faces are inches away and we stare at each other.

"Marie-Anne it's Ashley, I'm just removing my makeup, I'm sorry." I almost yell so she can hear me. Hudson is staring at me, confused.

"Oh, it's ok honey. I just wanted to tell you that dinner is ready and we're waiting for you to come to the dining room." She says invitingly.

"Ok thank you, I need a few minutes, then I'm coming." I say so she'll go and I can get out of here. As soon as she's gone, I move my hand away from his mouth. I apologize and walk towards the door.

"What took you so long?" Meredith asks me after I enter her room.

"Waterproof mascara." I lie. I don't want to lie to her but I can't bring myself to tell her about all the embarrassing moments with her brother.

After dinner, everyone gets very tired. Even Meredith wants to go to sleep and apologizes to me because we haven't watched a film yet, like we'd planned. So I decide to just hang on to my phone until I get tired too. But I want some snacks and head out to the kitchen. As I arrive in the kitchen I see someone at the fridge. When he closes the fridge door I notice it's Hudson. He is everywhere!

"Midnight snack?" He says and smirks.

"Is it already midnight?" I wonder at how fast the time has flown while I've been on my phone.

"Yes, Ashley." Hudson laughs. He has a dimple on his right cheek. I never realized how handsome dimples are. After a moment I recognize that I'm staring at him and suddenly he looks worriedly at me.

"I heard you and Meredith talking about your family and... your marriage..." He says uncomfortably. I forget this drama for a second and now he's talking about it, wow.

"Yes, well I got in trouble for coming here so I had to decide." I say and hope he's going to change the subject.

"But you don't want to marry him." He asks. No, he's actually not asking. He notices how I'm feeling about this.

"It's complicated." I snap.

"You shouldn't marry somebody you don't love." He advises. Who is he? My motivation coach? He should mind his own business.

"Thanks Hudson. I know what I'm doing, but I don't want to talk about it anymore." I frown.

"Ok, I'm sorry. I was just worried about you." He admits. Hudson is worrying? Wow, I don't know what to say.

"Thank you." I say nervously. He walks toward me and our faces are inches away, again.

"What are you doing with me, Ashley?" He whispers and we're looking into each other's eyes.

"I... I don't know..." I stutter. I can't move. I think he's about to kiss me. Oh my God, I never kissed a guy before! And it's Meredith's brother. I can't kiss him!!

Before anything happens, I react and walk toward the fridge.

"Oh I got thirsty. And I'm tired. I think I'm going to drink some water and go to sleep." I pretend and grab a bottle. Actually, I got really thirsty because of him.

"Goodnight!" I say like nothing happened and walk upstairs before he can say anything. How did this happen? I can't even think straight because of this. Am I getting feelings for him? No way, I can't. He's my best friend's brother and I'm getting engaged to Kerem anyway. Even though I have feelings for Hudson this is not going to happen. I hope he doesn't try to explain the other day and his mother catching us in the bathroom together.

In the next morning, Meredith is already awake before me. She wakes me up with some noises but I don't blame her for waking me up.

"Oh sorry, did I wake you up?" She apologizes.

"No, no it's fine I woke up by myself." I pretend. She has already done her makeup. Great so we don't spend much time getting ready. I stand up and head to the bathroom. As I want to open the door someone is opening it. Hudson. He stares at me and I get panicked.

"Good morning." He says uncomfortably.

"Good morning." I mumble heading into the bathroom and closing the door before he can stop me again. As I get back in Meredith's bedroom Hudson joins us. I get nervous.

"Ashley, you lost this yesterday night in the kitchen. I wanted to give it to you, but you were already asleep." He says and shows a silver bracelet my dad bought me once in Istanbul. I must have lost it when I moved from him to the fridge.

"You were hanging out in the kitchen yesterday night – together?" Meredith asks us. Damn it! 

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