Chapter 11

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Ashley's POV

Meredith and I have been brainstorming about how to get through this. We are sitting on her bed and still hugging since we arrived in her bedroom.

"Meredith it's not worth it. I am just going to marry Kerem right after I finish my exchange here. So, where's the bathroom?" I ask.

"Next to Hudson's bedroom." She answers with a sad look. When I see her being sad for me, I get emotional. So before I start crying, I walk out of her room. When I almost arrive at the door Hudson comes from the stairs. He's staring at me and before I can hide from crying, a tear falls down my cheek. When I want to turn away, he stops me from crying by holding his thumb on my cheek. Our faces are inches away and I've never seen into his eyes that deeply before. He has light green eyes with a tone of blue. He looks awfully sad. I get nervous by his touch but just as I can do something I rest one hand on his chest and feel his heart racing as fast as mine.

"Ashley!" Marie-Anne's voice from downstairs interrupts our intense moment and we both jump. Before she comes, I go into the bathroom and Hudson turns around to the stairs.

I am behind the bathroom door and hope that Meredith's Mother didn't see us. But talking about this... What was that? Did he just want to comfort me? Did he hear me when I talked with Samir? Is there anything I should be scared of? I don't know the answer to this question yet but all I know is that I felt close to him even though I only met him yesterday in the middle of the night. But wow: he has beautiful eyes I must admit.

"Where's Ashley?" I hear Marie-Anne from the corridor.

"I haven't seen her, mom." Hudson lies. I can hear it in his voice that he's a bad liar.

"Ok, if you see her or Meredith tell them that dad and I are going to the shopping centre so if they need anything we will take them." She offers. How sweet she is.

"Alright, I ask Meredith. If she comes then I'll come too." Hudson says. I need to buy some stuff but I don't want him with us. That would feel weird after all this.

"But honey, our car is for four people remember? Then we'll be too many." Marie-Anne remembers.

"Ok, then you two go first and I'll take the girls in my car." Hudson offers. No, please! It's getting even worse.

"Ok, a good idea then bye, see you!" Marie-Anne calls and walks down. As soon as I can't hear her anymore, I walk out of the bathroom.

"So, do you need anything from the shopping centre?" He asks nervously.

"Actually yes, I do need some things, but I'll ask Meredith if she wants to come too," I say. Before he can reply, I already head into Meredith's bedroom.

"Mer, do you want to go to the shops?" I ask immediately, hoping she'll say no. I get disappointed.

"Oh, sure I need some stuff. But first I'm going to get ready...and who is driving? I'm too lazy to drive today." She says. Of course, she is lazy: that's her job.

"Hudson says he'll drive us," I tell her and go to get my makeup and start putting it on my face so I don't look like a cried-out zombie.

"Oh no, he doesn't ever wait for me if I take too long." She immediately opens her closet and takes out a white summer dress with little pink flowers out and a jeans jacket. I have the same dress, so we plan to wear it together.

As we get ready in our partner outfits, Hudson already knocks on the door as a sign to get into his car. When we go outside, I see an Audi R8 in matt black. Wow, I am a Mercedes or BMW fan, but this car looks very nice. I see Hudson starring at us.

"And how do you like our outfit, Hudson?" Meredith asks proudly.

"Identical." He's kidding. Meredith gives him a playful punch in his arm and he chuckles.

"You look pretty." He corrects himself and again he stares at me with those ocean eyes.

When we arrive at the shopping centre I get a call right before we enter. This time it's not Samir but my dad. 

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