Chapter 38

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Hudson's POV

When I drive her to the airport I try to not get very sad about her leaving. I just hope her father is fine. And of course, I hope her family lets her come back to London.

We get to the part where we have to say goodbye. I hate this part. Let's just hope Ashley won't get emotional because I can't handle it when she cries.

"So, here we are." She says. And seconds later what I was afraid of happens: Ashley's eyes are getting glassy.

"Ashley..." I hug her tight and she can't hold herself back. After a moment I hold her head up and catch a tear with my thumb. Her dark blue eyes look directly into me. I try to distract her by kissing her.

"I love you." She says right after we kissed. I didn't expect that to happen. That's even worse than her crying. Before I even can say anything Ashley's flight gets called for the last time so she has to hurry.

"Goodbye." She hugs me again tightly and hurries off on her way. And I just stay stuck there, still shocked about her love confession.

Ashley's POV

While flying I'm thinking about what I said to Hudson. Was I really this dumb to tell him I love him? And he didn't even say he loves me back. Ok, I guess he already forgot about it. I mean why should he mind anyway? Only if he loves me too. But why did he not tell me then? Oh gosh, I'm being too curious now.

It feels like only a few minutes have gone by when I arrive in Zurich. I asked Samir to pick me up from the airport and he comes on time. He hugs me tight when he sees me.

"Asli, how are you?" He asks.

"I'm fine. How are you guys? And how's our father?" I ask worriedly.

"We're all fine and so is our father. If you want to, I could bring you to the hospital." Samir asks me.

"I think I'd better go home first. Ane is probably more worried about me." I say about my mother but actually I'm afraid to see my father. I also blame myself for his condition. I am convinced that if I hadn't gone to London and married Kerem in the first place he would be fine now.

Samir drives me home and the second I meet Amar and my mother I start to cry. My mother joins in. I thought they would be angry at me but instead, they hug me. After a while, my mother starts to judge me and tries to hold me responsible for what happened. I knew this would come I was just waiting for it. But for the first time, I see Amar defending me. Samir defends me too, like he did in the past already a lot.

"Anne, just leave her alone. She's only just arrived here." Amar says. He also could just be annoyed by her but it's ok for me.

I unpack my stuff and then my mother decides to visit my father in the hospital. I'm still afraid but I'm going to see him anyway. So we drive there.

When we arrive at his room, I'm the last one to enter it. I'm so nervous but I can handle this. I need to see him. He was lying down but he stood up when he saw them all entering. He is about to say "hi" but stops when he recognizes me.

"Nermin, what is she doing here?" He frowns.


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