Chapter 66

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Ashley's POV

She looks at us expectantly, but I don't know what to say. My heart is racing from the idea of him telling her now instead.

"I had a surprise for you. I wanted to go out tomorrow and show you the best of London since it's your first time here and it's my hometown." He lies. Or maybe he's actually been thinking of doing it since he knows about her.

"Oh my God. Yes!!" Deniz says excitedly and hugs Hudson. After leaving his arms she comes towards me.

"Anne, we're going on a trip aren't you excited about it?" She asks me, still excited about it. I kneel so we have eye contact.

"Cannim, I don't think he meant both of us," I say and look at Hudson.

"No, of course, I meant you both." He says and rubs his neck. He always did this when he said things he felt uncomfortable with. Hudson feels uncomfortable inviting me but this is nothing that surprises me.

"Great! So, I'm going to sleep now to have enough energy for tomorrow's trip!" Deniz says and on her way out she goes to Hudson and hugs him again.

"Thank you, Hudson!" She says and I can feel how he is feeling.

When she leaves the room I want to follow her but Hudson stops me by holding my wrist. I turn around and see his blue-green eyes are glassy. He just pulls me to him so that we're inches apart. Our chests are touching and he looks deep into my eyes.

"I'm sorry and at the same time, I'm thankful. Sorry for not being there for you but thank you for letting me get to know her. Thank you for not aborting the child when I left you pregnant and alone. I don't know how hard it is raising a child all by myself but I know it has surely been hard for you, I'm very sorry about that. I don't know how to pay back what I did to you." Hudson almost cries and I'm still thinking about what to say.

"Don't worry. I wasn't alone. And she's your daughter so you have the right to get to know her." I finally say and tears fall down his cheeks. Suddenly he wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me. I automatically join his warm hug. I've missed it. When I feel him breathing into my neck I get goosebumps. He hugs me even tighter but seconds later Meredith's at the door.

"What did I miss?" She says but I can't tell whether she's messing with us like the old times or just a question because of the sudden hug. He leaves me right after her question and I feel a bad energy coming again.

"Nothing to worry about," I say and smile politely at Hudson and walk straight to my room. After closing my door I lean on it and feel butterflies in my stomach like I just fell in love for the first time again. But at the same time, I cry because of what he said.

Hudson's POV

I couldn't help but hug her. I expected her to not join my hug but when she joined it so fast I wanted to hold her tighter and smell the scent of her favorite perfume on her neck. Remaking all the beautiful memories we once had together. My feelings for her have not changed but I still feel like I'm falling in love for the first time. I love her so much. I always did. And I always will.

When Meredith destroyed our moment I wanted to ignore her but Ashley didn't. Now she's still here in front of me after Ashley ran away. She didn't actually run but she's gone.

Meredith walks in and closes the door in an angry gesture. I guess she has something to say. Well, I hope so because I missed a lot and maybe I can fill things in like this.

"What did this whore do that you left Ashley?" She snaps. I didn't expect this right now.

"What are you talking about?" I ask because I really have no clue. She comes a little bit nearer.

"I'm talking about your freakish ex-girlfriend Monika!" She whispers angrily. Oh, right: she knew that she'd texted me. Wait, did she tell Ashley about it? No, that can't be, because Ashley would literally not be speaking to me at all. The thing is that I don't know if I should tell her the truth.

"Nothing. She found her true love." I decide to tell her. And thinking back to Monika, I should text her to ask how she's doing.

"So you still are in contact with her? Are you crazy?!" Meredith almost yells. When she realizes how loud she's being she holds her hand in front of her mouth.

"Yes, but it's nothing to worry about anymore. As I said, she found the guy she truly loves." I repeat. She won't really accept it, but I don't care. Meredith is always overly dramatic about everything.

"Alright then why did you leave Ashley at the altar five years ago? You should've left a note or something like in those romantic drama movies." She says. I would've chuckled, but it's a serious conversation.

"Because it's not one of your movies, Meredith. It's real life and I couldn't do it." I say and before she asks more and automatically finds out I leave my room. I'm in the hall when Ashley comes out from the bathroom I stop. She has just showered. I'm genuinely stunned by her. I don't know a person other than my sister that likes to shower in the middle of the night. A flashback to that time she used my towel comes up in my head.

"You can't run away without a reason, Hudson! I just know this whore must have been a part of it!" Meredith yells from my room and then walks out. I close my eyes because she had to ruin it. I can imagine her cursing right now when she saw her.

"Who are you talking about Meredith?" Ashley asks curiously.


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