Chapter 69

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Ashley's POV

Please, tell me it's not what I'm thinking! I'm not feeling good. Hudson had to say something at the end of the day... No, this can't be!

"Monika, wha- what are you doing here?" he stutters and looks at me with big eyes. I didn't even recognize them standing next to me.

"Can't I be here just for fun? What are you doing here?" She chuckles.

"I came to visit my family." He says nervously looking at me.

"Hello Miss, I'm Deniz." Deniz is still holding on to Hudson but with the other hand, she wants to shake Monika's. Monika smiles at her and of course, she gives her her hand.

"What a sweetheart! I'm Monika, nice to meet you. Who is this?" She looks at me.

"She's my daughter." I snap and Monika immediately gets wide eyes.

"Oh, umm... You are beautiful!" She stutters first and then looks back to Deniz.

"Are you pregnant?" Hudson asks in amazement. Wait. He didn't know?

"Umm, yes almost at the end!" She tries to sound happy but something makes her announcement sound uncomfortable. I'm still confused.

"That's... great news! Congrats!" Hudson says, shocked.

"Thank you, Hudson. I mean for everything. And Ashley... I just want to apologize for everything that happened. I feel so guilty and regret what I did. I see you became a family and that's a relief to see. I hope you can forgive me someday." She says to me and her eyes are filled with tears. What is she talking about? Why does she feel guilty about what happened?

"I don't understand..."

"Monika, I didn't tell her." Hudson interrupts me. What didn't he tell me?

"Oh! I'm so sorry, Hudson! I thought when I saw you together... I'm so sorry!" She apologizes.

"Hudson? What's going on?" I ask and he looks worried.

"Do you mind if we talk?" Hudson looks at Monika and points at Deniz. After Monika nods and grabs Deniz's hand, Hudson immediately grabs mine and drags me away. We stop some feet away from them and he looks nervously around.

"Can you please tell me now what's happening?" I ask desperately and he looks me straight in the eyes.

"I want to but give me a second to figure out how to explain." He's still nervous. He needs time to figure it out? What did he do all the time instead of thinking about how to tell me? He told me this yesterday and he still didn't get an explanation.

"Hudson, what was Monika talking about? Why is she feeling guilty? And why... She's suddenly pregnant and- and you were talking to each other as if you were close, I'm... very confused..." I stutter all the time. After I mentioned her pregnancy, he probably knows what I'm thinking because he looks at me with wide eyes as if he has seen a ghost.

"Wait, what? You didn't really think she's pregnant with me, did you? Oh my God. Ashley no, of course not!" Hudson relieves me. It's like I held my breath until now. He comes near me and holds my face.

"Ashley, I would never do this to you. I'm so sorry if you ever thought something like this would happen." He calms me down.

" I love you way too much." Hudson and I are inches away.

"What's wrong then?" I ask.

"Well, ... Monika felt guilty because she made me leave you five years ago." He says. I'm very confused at first but he tells me that she threatened him. After him telling me the truth I'm not sure what I should think. I'm not even sure which emotions I should show. He apologizes again.

I move away from his hands on my face and get Deniz from her. I don't even look at her.

"Ashley, wait!" He yells and I can hear how he says goodbye to her and follows me.

"Anne, why are you mad at Dad?" Deniz asks suddenly and I immediately stop. When she recognizes my reaction she gasps and holds a hand in front of her mouth like she said something she shouldn't.

"What?" I'm shocked. How did she-

"Ashley, wait, please. I'm really sorry!" He yells and is standing next to us.

"Dad? I'm sorry I just told Anne our secret." She says looking guilty. Hudson's eyes get wide and he stares from Deniz to me in shock.

"It's not what it looks like... She heard us last night and in the morning she asked me if it's true and..."

"And what? Do you think you just can tell her the truth without me? Or maybe you wanted me to look like a bad mother and take her away from me!" I interrupt him and get tears in my eyes that can burst out every second.

"What? No! I didn't want any of that... I just thought we should wait for a little because you had the struggle to tell her the truth. How can you even think that I would take her away from you? I love you both! If I take anybody than all of you! Because I want you to become my family and I want to be there for you!" He yells and tears fall down his cheeks. I noticed that I'm already crying. I don't know what to say.

Suddenly I look around to see why Deniz is so silent and to check whether she's scared. But she's not next to me.

"Hudson! Where is Deniz?!" I yell, afraid, and he immediately looks around for her too. And then he calls her name out loud.

Oh God!

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