Chapter 67

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Ashley's POV

I just had a warm shower and wrapped the towel around my body. It took me a long time to lose weight after giving birth and I'm happy I made it. A flashback to that time when I used Hudson's towel comes up in my head. The way he got me attracted to him coming near my body and then saying it's his towel is giving me goosebumps all over again. I shake my head to remove those memories from my mind and walk out of the bathroom.

I suddenly see Hudson in front of me. He's looking at me like on that day. But I know it's not his towel and our relationship is not like it was on that day either. I hear Meredith yelling something.

"I just know this whore must have been a part of it!" She yells and Hudson closes his eyes in annoyance. Wait, what is she talking about? Maybe she means Monika. Why do I even mind? It's his business, not mine. But I can't hold back my curiosity.

"Who are you talking about, Meredith?" I ask.

"Umm, well..."

"Can we talk tomorrow? I will tell you anything you want to know, just let me have a nice day with Deniz before everything goes under... Please?" Hudson asks me. He looks worried I can tell.

"Ok." I say, emotionless. Even though I'm very curious. I hope it doesn't have to do with Deniz because the last thing I want on the earth is my daughter getting hurt.

Hudson smiles after my appreciation. But it's not a usual 'I'm happy'-smile but a thankful and hurt smile. I almost can't hold my face straight and want to cry so I just walk towards my room when he says something.

"Can I see her?... I mean, while she's sleeping, can I watch her for a short time?" He asks desperately and before I realize a tear falls down my cheek. I immediately wipe it away and turn around to face him.

"I have to get dressed first. Wait." My voice almost cracked. He nods and I go into the guest room. I breathe in and out so I can calm down before I crack up. I take ages to get changed because I don't know what to wear.

When I find the right pajamas and want to open the door I hesitate. He left the hall anyway and didn't wait. But I should look to see if he is still waiting. I open the door slowly and see him looking down at his feet. As he sees the door he immediately looks up and takes a step forward. He stops and I guess he's waiting for my permission to enter the room. I nod and the hurt smile appears again when he enters. I close the door behind him.

Hudson's POV

I see her sleeping in peace. I walk toward her slowly not to wake her up and sit on a small space at the edge of the bed. I tuck a curl in front of her face behind her ear and caress her red cheek lightly. She has the red cheeks of her mother and the curls too. But she's blond just like I was as a kid. She smiles in her dreams and I recognize the dimple on her left cheek. She has also my dimples I guess. While starring at her I regret those years I couldn't watch her in her sleep.

My eyes are filled with tears and when I turn I see Ashley crying behind me. The last thing I remember is Ashley in my arms and we're both crying. But I try to hold the tears back so she doesn't have to cry. I try to face her. I see her dark blue-coloured eyes are bloodshot. I just hold her jaw with my right hand and we lean our noses against each other with closed eyes.

"I never stopped loving you." I whisper.

"Me too." She replies but her voice almost cracked so she just left it like this. But that was enough. A thousand times enough to give me the chills, she never thought of anyone else. She may be regretting everything and if I could wind the time back I wouldn't have left her at all. We stay like this for some minutes and then she lets go of me.

"Can I stay and watch her sleep a little longer? You can go to sleep if you're tired." I turn to Deniz and face her again while whispering. She nods and lies down on the bed next to our daughter. Deniz probably moved a little to the middle because there is now enough space for me to even lie next to her. Ashley turns to me while we're both lying there. We stare at each other and she smiles.

"I dreamed so many times of this moment. You and I, lying on the bed and our girl in the-... middle." She yawns before finishing the sentence. Ashley is probably tired. I am too. It's been a very long day for all of us.

"I promise every dream of yours will come true in the future. So will the dreams of our child." I say and join in with her smile. I was holding Deniz's waist when Ashley puts her hand on top of mine and falls asleep smiling.

Something touches me. It feels like something sticking to my cheek. I move to the other side and still, it's sticking to my other cheek. When I open my eyes I see the sun from the window blinding me and then Deniz's face in front of me. I immediately jump and sit up while she is giggling. I look around and see I'm still in the bed of the guest room. I don't remember falling asleep last night and Ashley isn't here.

"Good morning, Hudson!" Deniz giggles. I join her and chuckle.

"Morning, sunshine."

"I have a question... Are you my Baba?" She's asking excitedly.

Oh shit. 

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