Chapter 34

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Hudson's POV

I should seriously stop kissing her out of nowhere, but I can't handle my feelings right now. And Ashley would probably stop me anyway so if she's surprised, she won't do something she regrets.

As we're literally making out, I can finally feel the privacy we've got. She doesn't stop me anymore in case anybody sees us. I grab her waist and pull her tightly to my body as she puts a hand on my neck and the other one on my jaw.

The oven alarm goes off because I set it for the spaghetti and we jump. Why the hell did it ring now? I walk to the oven and turn it off. Ashley tries to act normal but totally fails at it. She puts the glass she wanted to fill with water in the fridge and holds the bottle of water in her hands. She quickly recognizes the mistake and makes it right. I can see the embarrassment she feels in her look.

"Are you nervous?" I chuckle and her cheeks are getting red.

"No, I'm just hungry." She lies and I chuckle again. I walk back towards her like before and her look doesn't change except for her eyes getting wide.

"I told you I like you. What about you? Do you like me too?" I ask her. That sounded desperate but I hope she answers honestly. She opens her mouth but doesn't say a word for a moment.

"Yes, I like you too." Ashley answers and I smile.

"But our feelings for each other do not change the circumstances." She says and my smile disappears.

"What do you mean?" I ask worriedly.

"Even if we like each other, you're still the brother of my best friend and I'm going to marry Kerem." She sadly says. I am disappointed and hurt.

"I know this. Damn Ashley, I know it so well! Do you think this doesn't bother me? I couldn't stop myself having feelings for you and you didn't either so don't you think that maybe it's not us doing wrong but the others? They want you to marry Kerem, but did they ask you what you want?" I almost yell desperately.

Her dark blue eyes are filled with tears and I don't want her to cry. I don't wait for her answer but just hug her tightly and she immediately wraps her arms around me. Now she started to cry silently. I move to kiss her head under my jaw.

"I'm sorry for becoming so loud. But I think we should try and see what develops. Please?" I ask carefully. After some minutes she moves her head up to face me and I wipe the tears from her cheeks.

"One week. No more, no less. And if it doesn't work well, we'll we act normal as if nothing happened." She says seriously. Oh my goodness, yes!

"If it does work well..?" I ask curiously.

"I don't know yet. But I guess it will be hard anyway." She says. Well, at least she gives me a chance.

I kiss her again and hug her even tighter. When the second oven alarm disturbs us again we let go of each other and get ready to eat. During dinner we talked and laughed a lot together. This already looks like we're on a date and it's going pretty well.

After we finished cleaning the kitchen and table Ashley and I decided to watch a film. Well, as always Ashley chooses the film and I agree with it just for her to be happy and by my side. We're actually together now. I can't even fathom how happy I am. I guess Ashley feels pretty comfortable with me too.

As we're watching one of Ashley's favorite romance films we first sit like friends. Then I try to pull her unnoticed into my arms and it worked. Actually, not really unnoticed because she smiled a little bit when I did it but anyway it feels amazing.

While we're watching the film the doorbell rings. Who's this? Ashley stands up to look for the door.

"Oh hi! What are you doing here?" She says excitedly and I stand up to look who she's talking to. As I wanted to ask who this is I see someone I didn't expect he would ever appear here again.


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