Chapter 52

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Hudson's POV

"Hello? Hudson, are you still there?" He says through the other line, but I'm still shocked about his announcement.

"Yeah... yes, I'm here." I stutter.

"Do you want to say anything, or is it done for you?" He asks me and I'm really thinking about it and hesitate to accept his choice.

"Hudson?" He brings me back to reality again.

"No, yes... I mean... I'm fine with it." I say at last. Ashley's father probably thinks I'm awkward now.

"Ok, then invite your parents!" He says happily. I guess.

"Why my parents?" I ask and really think about if this is going to be a good idea. My parents don't know shit about this. They think Meredith and I have gone to Zurich on holiday.

"Hudson, I may let you have my daughter, but you won't take away our traditions. Your family has to come and ask me for permission to have Ashley. That's how Turkish families keep their tradition and respect." He tells me. It sounds interesting, but the problem is: my parents.

"Is there a problem?" He asks like he's reading my mind.

"No, no! I will contact my parents." I say nervously. Great. How am I going to tell them I'm getting engaged?

Ashley's POV

"He will be fine. Trust me." Meredith tries to calm me down.

"He's going to be angry. Really angry... Maybe he'll leave me! He'll totally leave me after this!" I panic.

"Ashley! Shut up! Hudson won't ever leave you for such a dumb reason! He freaking loves you!!" She says and with both of her hands, she moves my shoulders back and forth to make her words sound dramatically clear. I nod to remove those bad thoughts out of my mind.

"Now listen, breath in... and breath out." She says and we both start doing this. After doing this three times she hugs me tightly.

"I know you're worried, but you shouldn't be. Everything's going to be fine." She says calmly into my arms. It feels really good and I almost don't want to leave her hug. But my mother appears in my room.

"He invited your parents! Istemeye geliyor!" My mother says that Meredith's parents are coming to ask my father for permission for their son to marry me in Turkish.

"What? Really?" Meredith says, excitedly, but I'm feeling the opposite. Hudson didn't tell his parents about me so he must really be freaking out. Even worse than I thought he would be.

Later I finally get some time and privacy to call Hudson. I'm actually really afraid of what mood he's in right now. Hudson could yell at me the second he answers my call, or he could be awkwardly silent. Either way: it's horrible.

"Ashley, are you there? Or is it your father again?" He chuckles. Why the hell is he making jokes?

"Hudson, is everything ok?" I ask nervously. I'm even afraid to ask.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Are you ok?" He asks normally. I'm a little terrified of what's happening now.

"Yeah... aren't you freaked out because of my father's decision?" I ask worriedly. Even I'm freaked out about it. He should definitely be!

"Yes, I am. But it's not your fault, so what did you think? I leave it all to you? I think you had the same stress I had. And even worse than mine. I don't want to make you feel this way." He says and I immediately get goosebumps because of his words.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you." He replies.

"I told my family about us." He tells me seconds later. Oh shit.

"And?" I ask curious and worried.

"My parents weren't very proud, but they know there's nothing they can do about it. I made my choice." He says and I'm relieved: Hudson won't leave me, as Meredith said.

"I'm proud you finally told the truth." I say and smile even though he can't see it.

Suddenly, someone walks into my room and I assume it's Meredith. But when I look at the door, I realize it's Amar. He looks angrily at me and I immediately stand up from my bed.

"Amar?" I say afraid.

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