Chapter 72

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I shrugged all of the worries off my shoulders before walking into the guest bedroom which was in the main hallway. When I stepped inside, a chill ran down my spine and I closed the door behind me. There was something odd about Claudia or maybe I was simply tired and needed rest.

My heart throbbed with love as I walked closer to the bed. It was warm in the room, even the tiles were heated. I brushed my wet hair over my shoulders and kept my belongings on the side, over a table before approaching the bed where Wayne was still asleep.

I had called him a dozen times but he hadn't bothered to check his phone.

The sides of my mouth curled into a smile as I found him with his eyes pressed shut and silent snores escaping his throat. He placed a hand underneath his head, sleeping peacefully until I drew the blanket away from him and invaded the empty space beside him.

With a groan, he moved a little and then turned to the other side. For reasons, I wanted him to wake up so I could have a conversation with him about everything. Maybe then I'd stop overthinking and stressing out.

My head whipped away from Wayne when I realized the queasiness rising inside my belly and my throat constricting up once more. How much more was I going to puke?

There was barely anything inside of me left. After killing my mother, I had puked several more times and then had a little bit of dinner with Magnus before I left for Swanhill.

Anything I ate was forcing itself out of me instantly. I barely could hold anything inside.

With a deep sigh, I stood up and rushed over to the bathroom. Drawing the wooden door open, I quickly grabbed the sink and spilled out anything that was left in my stomach.

I cleaned my mouth with a towel, wiping either side of my lips before I stared at my reflection. The skin beneath my eyes was swollen and my cheeks were bright red even though my complexion had gotten more paler than before.

Grunting, I stepped out and jumped back to the bed. Unable to find any sleep, I twisted and turned around while hoping Wayne would wake up. Minutes passed by, I stared at nothing but the wall. Finally, he moved and rubbed his eyes before his arm fell over my waist and he hugged me from the back.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, his voice sleepy and his warm breath fanning over my neck.

Hope filled my heart. "I wanted to surprise you."


I turned around and faced him. His eyes were still shut as he was in a trance, unable to break from his slumber. I positioned my hand over his face, hoping my cold fingers would shake him awake and it did just exactly that.

His eyes went wide open and he stared at me as if he had seen a ghost, "What? Fuck. You scared me, Clara." He sighed and shook his head as horror melted off his face.

"Wake up. We need to talk!" I stated.

"I'm up!" He drew away the sheets from himself and moments later, we were sitting next to each other on the bed with one of the lamp lights switched on and I found myself collecting the words to spill everything.

But then Magnus' certain words echoed in my head. Before I left for Swanhill, he told me, 'You're probably pregnant and you might need to drink more blood but I'm not sure! During my research, when female rogues were pregnant, they often needed more meat intake to survive as their child would be weak and a rogue.'

I barely even listened to him and stormed out of the house at that thought. It could not have been possible.

"So..." I swallowed hard and fixated my confusing gaze on Wayne who had just woken up and was going to be bombed with information he'd never believe in. "I have been feeling a little ill the past few hours. There's this nausea and I cannot keep anything down."

"Oh. Why didn't you tell me?" His face brimmed with unease.

I lined my lips straight and stared at him with disbelief, "Really? You were sleeping this whole time."

"I was not." He denied. Reaching forward, he wrapped his fingers around mine and glowered at me, "Are you alright? Did something happen?"

"I'm not sure about this but Magnus told me that I—" There was a long pause between a few words, "Might—be pregnant."

"What?" His shoulders bunched forward and his eyes widened. "How—how can you tell? I thought—"

Before he bought up the cruel part of it all, I cut him off and explained, "I'm not sure but I have been feeling nausea and I have been puking since morning. Magnus also told me that I should probably drink more blood since maybe the fact that I can't keep anything down is because I need to have blood in my system." It didn't make sense when I said it out loud. "I don't know, Wayne. He said something about pregnant rogues and the fact they need to eat more to go through their pregnancy." My hopes were tuning and I prayed from the bottom of my heart they weren't going to get crushed.

Wayne didn't say anything. He just smiled the entire time I spoke and held my hands tighter between his. "Nothing matters, Clara. If there is even a chance it's possible, we are going to hope for it. Let the sun rise and I'll get a test for you."

I smiled harder at him, "Thank you."

Unable to hold the distance any longer, I wrapped my arms around him and softened into his embrace, desiring to stay there perpetually. There was nothing but silence and peace between us, something I wanted to cherish for the rest of my life.

Heaving in a breath, I quickly slipped in the rest of the truth, "I also killed my mother."

Baffled, he drew away from me, and his brows collected, "What?"

"She was there, at the hills, planning to expose us and I don't know what else. I took my chance and killed her. Hawk fled though but we will find him soon enough." I added.

"Oh—are you okay?" He stuttered, still in disbelief.

"Yes, yes," I repeated, "I was a bit sad but then I remembered everything she had done and for some reason, I don't feel that guilt that I thought I would feel after killing her. She was a terrible mother, Wayne." My voice broke down as tears appeared in my eyes before they slipped to my cheeks.

"It's okay. I'm here for you. I'll be always here for you, Clara. You never needed a mother like that. She would've always tried to destroy everything for you." He cupped my face and whispered, consoling me in a way that seemed helpful. "With death comes a new life..."

"Really?" I sniffed.

"Yes," He bent closer, his thumb stroking away the tears from my cheeks, There was no ache in his voice and neither in mine. "It will be all okay. One day, we will be happy. Hell, I'm already happy." With a laugh, he shook his head and smiled. "You're here with me and this all will be over soon." He promised.

Wayne wasn't aware of everything but it was yet to come. I spoke to him for the next hour quietly, talking about Grayson and my interaction with his mate.

He told me a few odd things he had noticed and that we needed another plan and we needed to work quickly before they'd learn about my mother's death and the fact we were here only to steal the poison from them.

All we had were two days and we needed to leave Grayson's territory before that or we would endanger our lives by staying here. And there was probably another life I needed to care for.


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