chapter 1

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Hey guys, this is me 2 years later rereading this shi, since you know, fun epic stuff that you do at 3am

So, this book, yeah it's not the best, I wrote it when I was 12, if you're looking for a genuinely at least okay book, go check our another of mine or someone else's.. but for the majority of this I hated it, I was forced into a lot of it

The plot of this changed like 2 times so don't get too comfortable here in this plot

I've been thinking of redoing this book so if you would like that then just lmk and I'll have a look

But main TWs for this book are

Under eating I think?
And Gyokko is a fucking creep in the later chaps so please be careful, I don't want people upset by what I've written

This is so bad I'm so sorry you chose to read this and I don't know how it is so popular 🙏😭😭

So, yeah, you've been warned, this was written by a 12 year old who was ass at writing so please proceed with caution 🙏

(Also I'm not rewriting ON this page, so this is all the original work, and it's so ass im sorry, 😭)

Modern au
School au
Mui and yuis parents are alive
Genya lives with sanemi and his @busive dad.

So  basicly this is an au where yuichiro is a few years older than mui. So he's in a different school, whilst muis in high-school and yeah. Btw genya and mui didn't know eachother before hand. So they've just kinda met. And don't worry, they do end up dating later on 🤓😒😏

mui pov

"Bye mum, bye dad" I say in a muffled, but warm voice accompanied with a group hug with my parents. yui joined in but I'm not saying bye to him since he's driving, " come on mui, let's go-" he said while ruffling my hair. " don't mess up my hair yui!" I say in a playfully tone, while frantically stroking my hair.

"Bye, bye love youuuuu" my mum says while patting me on the back lightly, she was crying a little. She put her head in dads chest while they both waved bye. " seeya bud! Have a great time-" dad was cut off by the slam of my door. I sat down while yuichiro turned the keys. "ready to go to hell?", he asked me, smirking. I let out a puff "yes" a said in a sarcastic tone while I smile at him. We were half way there and he decided to start some small-talk. " Do any of your non-existant friends go there mui?" He said with an annoying smile. I pushed his arm " stop" a said with a grumpy but playfully tone. " yeah, the kamados and zenitsu and that." " ah, nice. Your stuck with zenitsu and inosuke for it." He said, trying to get a reaction out of me. "Mhm, and I'm very annoyed.", yuichiro chuckled

A few minutes later yuichiro started to Crack up with laughter."What is it?" I say. " BAHAH IMAGINE IF YOU HAVE TO WEAR THE FEMALES UNIFORM-" I froze, it probably won't happen. But now I'm worried,

We got there. I jumped out and gave yui a hug " ohh, I'm gonna miss you, be safe" he said while slowly letting me go of the deathly hug and pat me on the head. " love you yui" I say in reply while walking to the doors.

I walk up to the receptionist and get my dorm number, then in the elevator. A boy around my age walked in, "Hello," he says " hi" I look at his firey colored hair and then he gets off. When the doors opened I looked down a massive hallway, I look at the first door number ' 313' it read " THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN?!" I curse to myself, it's gonna take a long time..

' 334, 335, 336, 337...338! I open the door and walk in to see my so-called roommate.

Genya pov

I hear the door open, " yes! My roommate!" I say in my mind. They come in..

" I thought that we could only have two guys in a room!" I say, confused.

"Yeah, I am a guy." He says, giving me a weird stare. " I'm so sorry!" I frantically say. " don't worry, people always mess it up." He says in an annoyed tone. I let him put his stuff away before I talk, so I don't interfere.

" what's your name?" " muichiro, tokito muichiro." He says glaring at me. " genya shinzawasagia" ( HELP I CANT SPELL HIS NAME IM SORRY) 

Time skip

Mui pov

We decided to play some games. We played uno, for about an hour. I'd never played it before, so genya explained it, it was really fun. He let me win a few rounds because I was new, just so I could get used to it. And then I watched him play Mario on his switch.

"Hey, we should watch some movies" he suggested. I couldn't say no, so we watched the silent hill. I didn't find it overly scary, but genya did. We were sitting on the floor with our pillows as couch cushions. I got a Lil bored and starting playing with my hair, I saw genya looking at me " you good tokito..?" " is the movie bothering you" he said warmly. " no,no its fine-" I say waving my hands.

He looked up and down at me. " not to be weird, but you have beautiful hair." I got a Little embarrassed and grabbed the middle of my front strands to put them against my face so he couldn't see it being red. " thank you," I say, mumbling. He patted me on the shoulder, " I'm sorry did i- upset you..?" He said In a worried tone. " nope, I just don't get many complements about it, or out of the blue, y'know?" I lied, but he nodded

We went to bed and I drifted asleep.


I'm starting from were I left off, I'm trying not to make pt 2 or anything so if it's just randomly cut off somewhere srrt abt that.

Mui pov

"-chiroo~ muichiro..?" I woke up and squinted my eyes while they adjusted to the light. " sorry, I just thought it'd be better to wake you up you have about 10 minutes of free time once you're done with getting ready.." . " don't worry" I say with a squeaky voice

He was basicly ready, so I felt a little embarrassed. I hoped in the shower and washed my hair. It was annoying due to how long it is but it eventually works. I got out and got dressed into my uniform. ( genya had previously got them that morning while mui was asleep) thankfully it was the male uniform. otherwise, I would've been so embarrassed. I hear knocking. " come in!" Genya comes in and apologizes, " sorry, I just need to brush my teeth." " all goods." I was brushing my hair, slightly damp but I'd dried it before brushing. It was really tangled, I whispered to myself. " God damnit, you fucking idiot." " who..?" I heard him say. " I didn't tie my hair up last night and now its- " " would you like me to have a go at it? If you feel uncomfortable you don't have to?". He's really nice, I mean. Noone wants to have to brush really tangled hair that's down to someones butt, and offering to help.

I felt really rude for wanting to decline, hes trust worthy and that. But I don't like people really touching my hair, especially if  I've only just met them.

My actions went without my brain thinking and I passed him the brush. He gave a slight smile and started trying to brush it. The whole time I was going over in my head

He's trustworthy, He's trustworthy, He's trustworthy, He's trustworthy, He's trustworthy, He's trustworthy, he's trustwo-

"Done!" I turned around, nothing happened, well my hair was brushed but he hadn't cut it or anything so I was happy. " thank you " I said in a warm tone, smiling at him. " don't worry, hey- did I make you feel uncomfortable, you seemed off..?" " oh, I just have trust issues, but thank you for brushing it. It's a big help" we both smiled at eachother before he sat down and played on his switch. I was still in front of the mirror. I tried putting my hair in a ponytail, then a messy bun. Before deciding to just have it down. I brushed my teeth and sat down next to genya. "What time do we head off?" "About- hmmm, 5 mins."

(Leaving it there, I'm pretty sure you'll get a notification when I next update so yeah, I'm jut gonna have like an, hour break and then I'll come back.)

1270 words

Have a nice day/night

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