chapter 82

154 8 21

Mui pov

Well, maths with uzui.. This'll be fun

Uzui was a fun teacher, always making me laugh, no matter what, he made maths.. Literally the worst subject ever.. Fun-

I think it's his chaoticness, or his teaching style.. No matter what it is, he's just nice and funny overall-

Sure he's a drama queen.. Ehm- I don't know how he isn't fired yet.. He literally trash talks about teachers and students.. With other teachers and students-

Yui said that he and uzui had a 10 minute long rant just about obanai one time- sounded fun, wish I was there

I stepped into the class and was immediately met with everyone suddenly going silent and staring at me.. All but one-

Well.. Two-

One was Mr uzui,


And the other.. Who's head shot up as they heard that..

It was genya

“Sit sit sit, we have lots to do today” he said, and pointed st a seat that I immediately sat down in

I saw genya staring st me from out the corner of me eye, I couldn't tell if it was a good or bad stare..

“Genya, care to give us the answer?”

Uzui had noticed him staring at me, and made him snap out if it

“Oh.. I wasn't listening” “Of course, come on, it's simple, look, what's the answer?” He asked again, pointing at the board

He stared at the equation for a while, “I- uh.. 37?” “38”

He sighed and looked down after being corrected

“Don't worry, it was a tough one, I only did it since you weren't listening, but you were very close” he said, before going on again

Genya put his head in his hands.. He seemed mad at himself

I wanted to comfort him.. But again, I couldn't.. Plus, what yui said, I don't want genya to be mad at me.. I'll ask tanjiro to check on him.. He looks upset

Although I was mad about him not giving me s chance, I still care, about anybody, even a total stranger.. Sure I'm upset and confused, that doesn't mean I should let him be upset and possibly having the same thoughts as me-

“Tokito, answer, you're zoning out”

I looked up, at an equation, before quickly figuring it out on my scrap paper

“13.5” “that was fast.. And yes, necessarily, you don't need t… ..”

And he's gone, I zoned out again

“Tokito!” “Hello-” “I'm explaining, come on, listen before I tell yuichiro to beat you up”

I tried staying focus while he explained.. But, didn't work, I only caught like.. Four numbers..? And him talking about division..

“Got it?”

“Oh my goodness-” “Yeah I got it, don't worry”

I didnt..

But when am I ever going to use long division in life beyond school? Literally never

Augh this shit actually sucks, I wish maths didn't have goddamn letters.. Like there are no numbers in the alphabet- so why are there letters in math-? I hate itttt

I started just drawing smiley faces, and sad faces in my book.. They were mixed together.. They looked.. Odd..

… . . . … . . … . . … . . . … … . … . . . . .

Class finished, and I left almost straight away, genya was staring at me.. Just- looking, as I was walking out the class

I rolled my eyes and continued, it was weird.. I didn't understand why he was doing it.. Was something wrong-?

… . … … . … . … … … . . … … .. . … … .

I got home and waited a few hours for most upper moons to be asleep.. It was around ten or so, yui was still on his phone, he gave me his laptop but I didn't really use it..

I stood up and left with a hair tie in hand

“Hm? What're you doing-?” Yui asked me, “cutting my hair” I simply replied, he stared at me, “Need help?” “I'll see”

I didn't really want him to help, I just wanted to do it on my own

I went to the bathroom and pulled out some scissors.. Crappy scissors, but that didn't bother me

I put all the hair I could fit into a tiny ponytail into one, and chopped away at the ends of it.. I wanted it slightly long so it'd fluff up, but not.. Shoulder long, or anything close like that

I took the hair the out and hacked at the parts I didn't like, the longer parts, or parts that just didn't work with me

My bangs were long too.. But I'm not going to touch those, I don't want to fuck up my fringe, that's the worst thing to fuck up, I couldn't have that happen

I kept cutting and chopping until it was a length and style I liked.. It was like how yui cut it the first time, nothing much different other than the fact I cut layers into it..

Damn I should be a hairdresser

I giggled before leaving.. Not really realizing I left my whole mess of hair in the bathroom

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