chaoter 31

382 6 14

I'm back.. Horayy..

Uh- so there will be some things happening in this book, which some will like, some won't, but they just have to happen at this point, and I hope you'll still enjoy the book beyond these changes

And I know this books really boring, or.. Probably is, I'll try get it finished up sooner or later so it doesn't end with like.. 200 chaps or smthn, I'm trying to limit myself to under 50 if I can, I mean.. We're at 31.. So yeah, these chapters will be doing the last acts, and rounding up this book for good

Thank you for understanding-

(Anyone wanting to go to the fnaf movie, do it, it's fucking amazing)

Mui pov

Yui put his phone on the the bed, sighing and rolling his eyes, before getting up and packing an overnight bag

"Huh.. What's going on..?" "Senjiro shoved his hand in a toaster" he cut me off, I was trying everything not to giggle or laugh, "I know, it's stupid, but he's got really bad burns, so I'm heading to his for a bit, I'll be back to cook dinner, just gonna.. Don't even know, help him?" He said, putting everything in his bag

I just nodded, letting Yui go, "try just stay in here while I'm out, upper moons are drinking already, I saw like.. 2? Bottles of wine on the table, that were empty"

"I know.. I know, I won't go out there until you come back, or if I'm called by one of them" I said, Yui patted my head

"Well, I'll go sort out this dumbass, you stay safe, okay?" He asked, "yup.. I know I know, just go help senjiro with his.. Toaster hand.." I giggled, Yui sighed and walked out, "bye bye yuiii" I said, "bye mui, stay safe"


I got really bored, Yui hadn't been back for an hour.. I was stuck here alone

Maybe I should call gen?

I quickly got my phone and texted genya

Hey genn, I'm home alone, would you wanna call? I'm bored as

I waited a little while, I brushed my hair and put it in a bun while I waited, before getting a notification

Of course, home with out Yui? Are the upper moons home?

Yup, He's at someonrs house

So you're alone, with the upper moons?


Okay, we'll call, just be safe, please <3

Mhmmm <3

"Hello muiiii" "Hey gen gen," "so yeah, you're home alone?" "Mhm, so I just wanna talk to you" "yup yup, I'm surprised Yui left you there alone.. Hed normally never do that" "yeah neither, but senjiro shoved his hand in a toaster, so Yui went to go visit him"

I head genya start laughing behind the phone

"WHY WOULD HE SHOVE HIS HAND IN A TOASTER" I heard genya say, laughing,

"I don't know, apparently he got badly burned though.. Like- real bad-" "OH- He good?" "No clue, yuis been away for about an hour or so, must be bad" "Ehh, I think senjiro has a big fat crush on Yui"

I paused

"A crush?" "Yup, kinda obvious, I've seen him trying to hold yuis hand, but yuis not like that" "Weird.. Nah, poor senjiro, yui.. He isn't like that, he'd probably end up rejected, I feel bad"


"Mhm, Yui said he's gonna be home in like 5 minutes, so I think I'll go get changed into some sweat pants and stuff to go make dinner and clean" I said, "Ohhh, that's Algood, well, will you be at school tomorrow?" "Yup yup" "Algood, welll, love youuu!" "Love you too gen!" I said, before genya ended the call

I quickly got into some grey sweatpants, and a teal shirt, them sat down and waited for Yui

A few minutes later, Yui got home,

I heard the door open, and someone walk up the stairs, it sounded like Yui due to how light it was..

"Hey yui!" I said, as he walked in, he smiled "Hello again"

He unpacked his bags onto his bed, "Soo, how was senjiro?" I asked, he just looked at me, "I don't even know, he had put his hand in the hot toaster for one, but then it clamped on his hand, and burned through a lot of skin.. Pretty sure he's gonna go to the doctors"

I just stood there in shock

"Damn.. Poor senjiro-" I said, Yui nodded, "I'm sure he'll be alright, but he's taking a break from school because of it, you know?" "Yup"

Yui layed down on bed, with all the clothes, "well, we need to go make dinner soon, I'm just gonna chill out for a little bit"

Hope this chap was Algood, I tried making it good, but it may be bland, sorry about that

Hope this chap was Algood, I tried making it good, but it may be bland, sorry about that

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