chapter 22

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Mui pov

No.. that's not his dad.. please say it's not..

I don't know what to do.. I can't move- I'm too scared..

I tugged on genya.. but it didn't work, he's fast asleep.

I tugged his shirt again. But no answer. Genyas hand is over my hair but I don't trust it.. he probably moved his hand in our sleep..

the person left the room, I didn't know what to do.. I was scared. I don't want to move incase he did something I don't want to find out about.. he cut my hair.. he definitely did..

I'll just curled up into gengen until the morning..

He realized I was extremely curled into him and woke up. He knew I was distressed. "You okay mui..?" He asked removing the covers and looking at me, making sure I wasn't injured. "Your dad.. he came in.." his face froze. "What did he do-?" He said in a worried tone. "He had scissors and was near my head.. I think he-" I was cut of by genya ruffling up my hair, and taking out a hairtye. He started stroking my hair. "Your hairs fine.. did he stab you or anything..?" He said. I felt a bit releaved knowing that my hairs fine.

"I don't think so.." I reply. He pulls me closer. "Mkay.. I'm just gonna keep you close is that okay?" He asks, I give a little nod in return and he plays with my hair to calm me down.. it really helps..

"Thank you gen.." I say, "no problem. You can go ahead and sleep, I'm gonna stay up and look out for dad." He says, I shook my head. "Imma stay awake with you.." I say. I took a deep exhale, "alright-" he says in a playful way, I nuzzled into him alot more, it felt nice and he slowly  played with my hair and rubbed light circles into my back. I kissed him and he returned it. "Love you mui." He says, "luv you too" I reply with a soft smile, looking up at him.

(Morning time, as in- normal waking up time-)

Gen pov

I let my eyes adjust to the light as I look down to see mui. He was fast asleep, and he looked adorable..

His hair was everywhere- even though it was somewhat in one place when I was stroking it- parts of it are near my head-

I looked at his eyes flutter open, he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Morning gen-" he says as he stretches and yawns. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around his waist.  He lifted himself up and kissed me on the nose then rested on my chest

I moved his fringe and kissed him on the forehead.

He gave me a warm smile, he looked so.. happy and precious.

"Mmmm love you." He says in a happy tone.

I played with his hair using my hands wrapped around his waist on his back to toy and fluff it up. It was quite tangled- it was very tangled but I could get my fingers through the bottom.

"We gotta get up mui-" "nooooooo!" I get cut off. He curled into me, symboling he wanted to cuddle. "fine, ten more minutes and then we get ready because your gonna get picked up-" "but I want gennnn!" He says.

Yuichiro was right abt him being really childish and clingy when he's scared or crying. Apparently there's other times so this might be one..

"Muii- we need to get up sooner or later, ten minutes or we get ready now." I say, trynna be serious but couldn't over how precious muichiro was being- "hmph, fine!" He says. He puts his arms around my neck and kisses me, then nezzles into the crook of my neck. I can't with him right now, I might actually explode with how cute he is..

I put my legs in a way that he's able to curl up his close to me and we stayed like that for a while.

"Mkay mui c-" "noo!" He says. I wrap my arms around him, technicly carrying him and sit up and place him next to me. We were now both sitting up. He put his head on my shoulder, "mui- come on you have to get ready to see yuichiro." I say, trynna pick him up to make him stand up. "I don't wanna see yui right now." He says. My eyes widen. "I will tell him you said that" I reply.

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