chapter 71

139 7 3

Gen pov

I fucking hate that asshole..

How dare he..?! He humiliated me.. Made me look like a dumbass! Was our whole relationship a lie? A game for him?!

Fucking ugly ass bitch

Well at least he's going to have a memory of what he did to me. That haircut. That's going to be short for a long time, won't grow back

That's his own fucking fault..

Yeah he cut it for me- but- that doesn't matter.. I'm not the asshole- he left me on read and didn't give a shit when I needed him most

I went outside, and passed yuichiro, who gave me a glare, a death stare.. He was mad, 100%

He had senjiro with him, who quickly backed away the second he got to me, and senjiro fled to the bathrooms. He was probably looking for mui

"The fuck do you want?" I spoke out at him, he stared at me, "what did you do to him?" he asked me, I stared at him and just grinned.. His face immediately went cold, "What did you do?!" He yelled at me, punching me in the chest

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" I told him, he looked at me angrilly, "You wouldn't want to get in another fight.. Would you, zipper mouth?" I told him, his eyes immediately widened

"Oh you fucking cunt" he said, staring at me, "You don't intimidate me, you're too short" I told him, "You don't intimidate me either, you're too fucking fat to chase me around, all I need to worry about is body slams" he said with a chuckle

... Dick head

"At least I'm not a twig who gets starved by the people he lives with" I told him, "and imagine not living with your parents? That's sad.." "At least my parents treated me right and weren't alcoholics or whores with too many kids for her to look after!" He yelled back-

"Don't you dare disrespect my mother" "Dont disrespect mine, and don't disrespect my brother either" "Too late"

He froze, "What?" "He's probably still in the bathrooms, senjiro went there, probably gonna go comfort his cry baby's ass. good luck helping him, tanjiro, aoi, those guys, they are all on my side"

He looked at me angrily, he was definitely made, I'm glad though, I hope he is.

"... I hope you kill yourself" he said, staring me right in the eyes.. It seemed extremely genuine- worryingly genuine. I could feel the tension in the air from the argument

"its his fault, he left me on read when I needed him most"

He stared back st me, like he was about to punch me in the face

".. His phone got smashed because of you, it was smashed since you HAD to come over, it was agaidnt the rules for you to, and mui got in so much fucking trouble"

I paused

"You're a fu king asshole, genya, you know what? Stay away from my brother. Don't even try to come back to him. Don't even look st him, you're a horrible person. He did everything for you, he was horrified st the idea of you leaving him..." he added again-

"He got in trouble because of me-?" "Yes! Fuck yes he did! You're an asshole genya, I hate you, go on, leave him and I alone, go die, honestly." He said in a cold manner

"If you can't believe my brother and even talk it out with him, you don't deserve the love he gave you, any of it'

He gave me another cold look.

"You don't deserve any love if you won't give someone a chance to tell you their vision, or their side of it." He told me, looking me up and down,

"I don't get why he ever chose you, I knew one day you'd snap, one day you'd become an asshole like your father. I'm happy he won't have to be abused by you," he told me, "You're just an ugly cunt, those scars don't help you, you're fat, ugly, dumb too, and one day, you'll regret what you've done to mui, just you fucking wait"

I stared st him, "Whatever, whatre you going to do about it?" He paused, gave me an unsettling look

"Only time will tell"

That's all he said, before watching me as he walked off...

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