chapter 88

184 6 32

Welp, y'all won't like this Chao but I swear, everything will get better, but still, we live for angst, so it's okay :)

Anyway, enjoy the torture

Yui pov

"Yui.. You're really off.." "I know.. I'm worried about mui"

Sensitive hugged me, "Everythings okay.. I'm sure, he's going to be okay" "I know he will be.. But what about me? Koku is going to beat my ass.. I.. I regret everything.."

He looked at me sympathetically.. "Well.. Food always helps me.. Would you like to go to the store..? They have those spicy noodles you like.."

He knew I loved spicy food.. Mama always gave it to mui and I as kids.. So we both grew to really like it and have a good tolerance to spice.. He doesn't remember her food though.. But it was so, so good, she was amazing at cooking

"I.. Yeah.." "Come on then"

We put on our shoes, and jumpers, and left.. It wasnt late.. Maybe 4? Definitely not the time you'd go buy spicy noodles from the store.. Or, I wouldn't normally st least..

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .

"Senjiro.. I'm sorry, I just- man I really feel like I should get home.. I'm worried as fuck" "Huh.. Mui told you kokus home.." "Well it's going to be worse if I avoid it.. I'm sorry, I'm going home," I told him, packing my stuff..

"Oh, of course.. Please, please call me if it goes bad.." "I know"

I stood up, hugged him goodbye.. And made my way out, I say him out his window, "If anything happens come stay here! Okay?!" He yelled out, I nodded, and ran down his driveway..

I ran all the way back, absolutely panicked and stressed..

Fuck.. Do I want to go back? Do I want to risk it..? Not really.. But I don't have a choice..

I stood in front of the door.. My hand trembling over the door knob..

Fuck.. Go..

I turned it and immediately regretted my decision after seeing koku right inside.. Waiting for me..

"So, how was senjiros?"

I pushed past him, like he didn't exist, before he grabbed me by the hair and yanking me back, "Don't fucking ignore me"

He quickly grabbed my and threw me into his room, before locking the door, I was immediately brought with regret..

He grabbed me and stated punching me.. Telling me how useless I was.. That mama never lived me, that our parents killed them selves on purpose so they didn't have to look after us.. That last one particularly hurt..

I fought back.. Like always, and he immediately unlocked the door and grabbed my arm.. "The fuck are you doing?!" I asked, trying to take my arm away, "We're getting in the car" "Why-?!" "I'm taking you to the hairdressers you ungrateful bitch. Now you won't remember your 'mAmA' " he told me, mocking me

My heart dropped, and I immediately shook my head, but he dug his nails in my arm, "Come on, the more you fight, the shorter it's cut" he told me, I looked at him angrily, before grabbing his hair..

If he has long hair too, why not use that against him?

"I'm not going to the fucking hairdressers.. There's no fucking way.." "Do you want a reason to go?" He asked angrily, smiling, "You know what?! Sure, go ahead! Give me a reason!"

He grinned, "Alright then, I will" he said and grabbed my front strand, yanking it down so I couldn't move or see what he was doing

I saw from the corner of my eyes.. He grabbed scissors..

"Fuck! Fucking let go you bitc-"

I was cut off by the sound of a chop.. Along with my head shooting back up and seeing him holding my hair..

".. You bitch" I told him, absolutely shocked, he dropped my hair and chuckled like it was nothing..

He then grabbed me again, "Well, let's go, we don't want you going to school with uneven hair, do we?" "I..."

"Exactly" he said, and dragged me into the car.. I was.. Stunned..

Stunned to say the least..

He shoved me out the door and into the car.. That's when it settled in..

I-.. My... mama hair.. I grew that hair my whole life.. I made a promise.. I even told mui I wouldn't..


"Where's mui-?!" "Don't worry" "I.. What have you done..?!" "He's fine, just focus on this haircut"

I stopped and looked down

Fuck.. I hate this

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